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A long time ago in a land far far away lived you, y/n. You lived next door to your best friends Harry Styles (next door to the left) and Hebe Jones (next door to the right). You were the three amigos: never ever apart. You had been in reception at the local primary school in Holmes Chapel and had grown up together.

You saw each other's struggles, fought, laughed and, most importantly, loved together.

As you reached Year 10, you and Harry started to develop feelings for each other. Hebe knew about this as you had each told her, without knowledge of the other's confession. Hebe had a rather disappointingly disinteresting plan to get you two together: she would tell you both how the other felt.

Despite Hebe's unoriginal ideas, the two of you eventually began dating and were together until Harry auditioned for the X Factor in 2010.

You were extremely supportive of him and he knew this but you had to go to your grandmother's funeral on the day of his audition and therefore could not accompany him.

On the night before the audition you were at his house. The two of you enjoyed a relaxing evening watching films and cuddling on the sofa.

Eventually it reached midnight so you knew your mum would need you home soon. You gingerly untangled yourself from a peacefully sleeping Harry and kissed him on the forehead. You whispered good luck to him, gathered you belongings and silently slipped out the door.

That was the last time you saw Harry.

He didn't come home from the X Factor and despite your frequent texts and calls he never spoke to you. You were distraught but told no one as you thought Harry would prefer it that way and you knew everyone would think it was a cry for attention.

Since then he has had a lot of success with his band, One Direction. You've heard sone of their songs but try to avoid them where possible because hearing his voice makes you very upset.

The few songs that you had heard sounded somewhat familiar. When you and Harry were together at first you spent a whole summer together (2009) and had heard this mentioned in Rock Me. In 2014 you heard another song referring to a S.O. that someone had had when that were 18. This one always stuck with you as there were several lines that linked to you and Harry's relationship.

But through all of this, you had dismissed the idea that his really was Harry trying to talk to you...

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