Chapter 5

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Once you were inside the car you had time to fully comprehend what had just happened: Harry had been there, in the shopping centre, and he wanted to be with you, and he was sorry, and he loved you, and you kissed. And this all happened in the last 10 minutes.

Harry interrupted your thoughts by saying: "Woah, I don't even know where I'm going. Where to sweetheart?"

You: "Ummm, where are you staying?"

Harry: "Just round the corner, shall we go there?"

You: "Uh yeah sure..."

Harry: "Ok, why don't you put on some music. It's not a long journey but never mind."

You: "Ok, the radio?"

Harry: "Yes please!"

You reached forward and turned on the radio. Suddenly Harry's voice filled the large vehicle: "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed," mimicking the song you began to repeatedly flip your hair over you shoulder dramatically. Harry laughed and continued on with the song: "But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell," then you joined in: "you don't know, oh oh, you don't know your beautiful!" You continued singing the song at the tops of your voices until you reached Harry's hotel.

It was a very grand and clearly luxurious residence which obviously frequently housed major celebrities such as Harry. A doorman quickly ushered the two of you in and someone took Harry's car away to park.

You reached the elevator and hopped in hand in hand with Harry. After a short ride you reached Harry's floor and clambered out. You wandered down the hallway to the last room, number 6 of that floor.

Harry reached into his pocket and fished out his key and unlocked the door.

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