Chapter 4

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Waiting patiently outside was Harry. You had come out to talk, but the moment you saw his face you broke down and began to make your way to the edge of the circle of people surrounding you two. You had almost reached the rows of people unintentionally blocking your path when you felt a strong hand take hold of you wrist to drag you back to its owner.

You hesitantly turned towards Harry. You looked into his eyes and memories of love that the two of you have for each other came flooding back.

He opened his arms and you gladly went to him and wrapped your arms around him. The two of you held onto each other as if your lives depended upon it.

He put his mouth to your ear and whispered: "I love you. I'm so sorry. I'm such a p**k. I don't deserve you. I'm so so sorry y/n."you could feel his tears dripping into your shoulder as your own tears began to dampen his shirt.

"I know you are. I missed you so much. I love you too," you replied. He pulled away slightly and looked into your eyes.

Without a second thought you leaned in and kissed him. He was surprised at first but then began to respond and deepen the kiss. You could have gotten completely lost in the moment if it were not for the slow round of applause that began to erupt from the ever growing crowd. You broke apart and grinned at him. You turned to look at the crowd, your arms still around his neck and his around your waist, huge grins on both of your faces.

You realised that everyone was taking photos of the two of you and began to feel very self conscious. Harry noticed and quickly grabbed your hand, guiding you towards the car park and away from all of the people. You reached his car and he opened the door for you, being the gentleman he is. You climbed in and he ran round to the drivers side. He started the car and hastily drove out of the car park.

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