Chapter 6

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*so so so proud ⬆️*

The door wing open to reveal and large open plan living space with a huge glass wall giving a beautiful view of the city. Inside the room was modestly decorated and I assumed it was somewhat similar to the rest of the apartments/rooms. It had a grey sofa with a white knitted throw and some brightly coloured cushions decorating its surface. There was a large TV across the wall and some ottomans and armchair surrounding it. The walls were all white with few decorations. In the other part of the space was kitchen with an island in the middle. The countertops were dark grey and the cabinets and fridge were bright white. To your left there were two doors which you assumed lead to the bedroom and bathroom.

You were pulled out of your daze by strong arms leading you to the living room area. You seated yourself on one end of the sofa and Harry say in the armchair next to you. You were about to speak but Harry beat you to it: "I will tell you  what happened but please don't interrupt me until I'm finished?"

You nodded your head in response.

Harry began: "I'm so sorry. When I passed my audition everything was in such a rush, I didn't have anytime to process it. I tried to call you but they said that I couldn't tell anyone other than who was there until the audition aired. I'm really sorry. I should have called you as soon as I could but I figured you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore." He looked up to you and you gave him a sympathetic look.

"After maybe two years I was back in Holmes Chapel one day and I remembered, so I went to your house to surprise you and say hi. I got there and knocked but an old lady answered and I asked her about you but she said you'd all moved out. After that I couldn't contact you at all because when I called you'd changed your number and I had no idea where you were. Since then I've tried to have some hints and messages hidden in our songs, did you notice?"

"Yeah some of them, but I just assumed I was being silly." You laughed.

"Anyway, I just really really missed you and I needed to see you but I couldn't find you. I love you and I really am so sorry..."

"I know you are and I'm sorry I didn't try to at least talk to you when you wouldn't talk to me. We both should have tried harder. I love you too, so much." you replied. You leaned in and kissed him.

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