Chapter 2

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You couldn't afford a fancy place with four rooms but you were all willing to share two doubles in a beautiful hotel. Lili and you shared and in the next room down were Jojo and Etta.

After you'd unpacked you became restless and decided you wanted to go shopping. You enquired about everyone else but they were exhausted from travelling, so you decided to go it alone.

You get a taxi to a local shopping centre and made your way inside. The place was an enormous, glass covered shrine to shopping . It had hundreds of stores and eateries and all manner of other things. You stared in wonder at the sheer size of it.

After you got over your shock you began the never ending task of window shopping in this  place.

First you went to Forever 21 because that was your favourite store, and you decided to go in and try on some things. Unfortunately nothing suited you and so you continued with you expedition.

Eventually you decided to have a coffee in the middle at a small café overlooking the centre of the complex.

You ordered your drink and sat at the edge of the establishment. You made a mental note to bring the girls here because you knew they would love it.

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