Chapter 3

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You turned around and noticed a quickly growing gaggle of girls to your left. You were confused, but then remembered you were in LA, the world's celebrity hub, and began to silently chuckle to yourself at the girls' excitement.

Your good mood hastily faded when you noticed a familiar face in the centre of said gaggle.

Harry Styles.

Your stared at him, shocked and confused. How is he here? What should you do? Has he seen you? You hoped he hadn't but to no avail. An all too familiar pair of dazzling green eyes met yours and the shock of seeing you was immediately evident. *see photo*

Harry began to push through his fans to go towards you. You soon realised that there were tears streaming down your face. He had managed to escape the crowd and was striding towards you. When you realised this, you panicked and fled. You fled to the nearest place you could find: the public toilets.

You hurriedly locked the door and sank to the floor, back leaning heavily against the door, uncaring about the disgusting state of the decaying tiles beneath you.

Moments later a loud and vigorous banging could be felt and heard through the door. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n, please open the door so we can talk! Please!" Harry cried. Your heart broke again as you remembered all times you had called and sobbed into the voicemail that you just wanted to talk. You knew he sounded exactly like you did: desperate and heartbroken. You brought your hands to your face and sobbed.

After a few minutes the banging ceased and all that could be heard were Harry's mumbling words of apology and desperation.

You knew that he was feeling guilty and ashamed and you knew that he loved you and didn't mean to leave you, so you carefully stood up. You slid open the lock and gradually opened the door.

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