Chapter 7

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You pulled away and hugged him. You asked: "What time is it?" and he replied: "About 8:30pm."

"I should go back to my hotel, my friends will be wondering where I am." "Oh ok, I'll take you back," he said as he stood up and pulled you up behind him.

You wandered towards the door and grabbed you bag and phone from the small table next to it.

When you reached the car park Harry, once again, opened the door for you and then wandered round to his side. He started up the the car and the two of you drove in comfortable silence to your hotel.

Harry parked and the two of you climbed out. Harry broke the silence: "Do they know about us?"


"Your friends?"

"Oh. No, I never talked about it," you answered, "it was too much and it would have sounded like I was using you as my 'claim to fame' or something."

"Oh, what about now? Do you think they'll have seen the photos of us online and stuff?"

"Probably not, I doubt they've been awake for very long anyway, they were really tired when I left."

"Ok then.what are we going to tell them?"

"Don't worry, just follow my lead because the looks on their faces when they see me and you together will be priceless" you chuckled.

"Ok, whatever you say babe..." he responded uncertainly.

You smiled smugly to show that you had a plan.

You reached the elevator and pressed the button for your floor. The two of you rose up and eventually reached your floor. You walked out, Harry trailing behind you, and reached your door.

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