Chapter 8

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You grabbed Harry's hand and intertwined your fingers with his. You knocked on the door and Lili responded: "It's open!"

You turned the handle and opened the door. "Y/n, your back, I was ab-" Lili stopped and her mouth hung wide open when she realised who stood next to me. She nearly fainted when she saw our hands together.

She whisper-yelled: "Guys there's someone here you should see..." as she gently shook Etta and Jojo awake, all without taking her eyes off Harry.

"What the f*** do you want, I'm trying to sleep!" moaned Jojo. Then she saw Harry and was so shocked that she fell off the sofa onto the floor.

"What!"  she screamed, "y/n. Why is Harry Styles standing in our doorway." Then her eyes went wide and she said: "And why are you holding his hand?"

"Umm hey guys, have a nice nap?" you replied.

"Uh yeah, but y/n don't change the topic." she said with raised eyebrows.

"Haz, do you want a drink?" you asked.

"Yeah some water please babe." he replied. At the sound of the 'b' word all of you friends' eyebrows shot up to unimaginable heights.

"I'm gonna get Harry some water, please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." you pleaded and then quickly pecked Harry on the lips before leaving to the kitchen.

You quickly got Harry's water and returned to find that thankfully Harry did not look traumatised and nobody had moved since you had left moments ago.

"Here you go," you said as you handed Harry his drink, "Ok, we'll tell you what you want to know, but please keep it to yourselves." They all nodded in response.

You lead Harry to the sofa where you curled up into his side with his arm around you and you began to tell your story.

*the end*

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