Race against the Hood

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Suddenly the Hood turns up.  What are you doing here? Trying to find Lucy he says then disappears.  Virgil to kayo come in kayo. Yes what is it Virgil? The Hood looking for Lucy! Copy that Virgil. I've found a beach and it looks like someone has been here or here. Copy that kayo please be careful and I'll update Scott. Kayo lands Thunderbird S and see's footprints in the sand. She follows them but strangely they disappeared.  Lucy hears footsteps so she puts everything back into their hiding places and gets ready to run. Then she hears a girls voice. Kayo to Virgil come in Virgil. What's up Kayo?  I need you to bring Scott, Gordon and the first aid kit. Why? Because I found some footprints but then they disappeared.  Copy that kayo be there in 5. Better make it 3 Lucy says to herself.  Oh no international resuce is looking for me.

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