What to do with Lucy?

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"Ok so now we've got that all sorted out what should we do with her?  First Kayo. yes Gordon. Did you know he had a daughter? No. First we should tell the GDF that you are found and safe but you won't go home. I tell them says Scott and walks out of the room. Kayo can I talk to you alone?  Gordon you hear that she wants you to disappear for a little while. So what is up Lucy? Well Kayo it's... one second Lucy and kayo grabs a pillow and throws at Gordon and he runs out of the room. How about we go to my little hideout and then you can tell me? Ok let's go.

Time skip at kayo hideout.

So what is it Lucy? Well so I just feel really bad because if my dad found out that I am on Tracy island then I'm sure he would come and cause alot of trouble. The other thing is so nobody else finds about them? You can do it here and before you ask nobody else but me knows where this hideout is. Thanks Kayo. It's all right I am your cousin after all. Ok let's go back before the boys come looking for us.

Time skip back to the house.

When they get back Lucy screams. Kayo someone is in trouble in Auckland a building about to fall on them. Ok Virgil and Scott go.

Time skip after the resuce

Kayo her assumption was right. But how? How about we ask her our selfs. Hey Lucy how did you know that someone was in trouble? Well I'm not sure you will believe this bit I'm an empath which means I'm connected to everyone through feeling. Ok. Guys I've found a way that Lucy might not have to go back to dad. How John?  All we need to do is find what is written on her mother's will!

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