A Tale Tolded

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Once they got to the secret hideout in the woods kayo asks a question to Lucy."what is the Hood after you? I'll tell you but if the boys ask can you tell them? Ok. I was born and grew up in a bad family. My dad treated me like I was rubbish... What about your Mother? Well..... she died an hour after I was born. Oh I'm sorry. My father is a very bad man and he is wanted. Ok carry on just sending the boys our condernits.ok so my father soon that I had special powers and he try to force me to use them for evil, but I didn't. So he started to complain on how much I was like one of my cousin that was good.... who I think is dead now. He hided me from the world... because he is the... Hey what's up says Virgil, Scott and Gordon. Before I can answer kayo starts talking to Virgil. "She has a sprained ankle". "Lucy can you just hold some ice on your ankle and continue with you story.  My dad is the... no he will kill me if I said, you'll kill me! No he won't we won't let him. Ok my dad.... is.... the.... Hood. Your dad is the Hood? Yeah. Oh this is going to be fun isn't it. Yep no wonder he keep you a secret if you had powers and he turned up out of the blue looking like his world was turn upside down. Hey but I don't get how you are his daughter. Well he says I'm like my mother.

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