A Good Ending

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International resuce this is the GDF,International resuce this is the GDF come. Copy that what is it? Can we talk to the Lucy and Kayo please? Sure one second please, I see you got  the will. Kayo, Lucy the GDF wants to speak with you two. Coming loud mouth. Good one Lucy says Kayo. I am not yells Gordon. Down to business why do you want to speak to us? Well it says here that of her mum pasts away when she is still very young you get to look after her Kayo. Yeah I know that. So Kayo... Ooooh you're in trouble Kayo says Gordon teasingly. She is not elephant mouth says Lucy to Gordon so just shut up. You tell him Lucy. Ok so Kayo will you appect the fill responsible for Lucy? Yes I will.  Ok I know declare you the official garudian of Lucy. Lucy learnt how to control her powers and is a great asset to the Thunderbird team. She and Kayo have taken down the Hood for good.


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