My Mother's Will

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But John.... what! Um my father could never find the will. Well she probably hid it. Did she give you anything before she pasts? Yeah this picture and it feels like it has a false back. Kayo carefully removes the false back and finds paperwork that's labeled Aria. Let Lucy read it Kayo. What does it say Lucy? " Aria's Will
When I past I wish to have my secret revealed that I am Kayo's Mother so my daughter  is her stepsister, I wish to send my daughter to Kayo her sister who lives on Tracy island to keep her a secret from the world full of villains so that they cannot make my darling use her abilitys for evil. Yes this is proof that Lucy can stay here and not have to go back to her Father. Hey wait a minute Lucy did you just say that you and Kayo are stepsister? Yep. That makes a sense of why you two look alike and are both tomboys. I guess it does. Ok so how we can show the GDF it? Well if we can send them a copy and show your father.  Ok  wait did you tell them about who I really am and who my father really is? Um did you John? No I didn't think they should know or they might use you to catch him. Ok.

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