New Family

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Wait what? does that mean her and kayo are...? Yes Gordon. Wait what are you says guys please tell me! Um.. well...should we kayo? Tell me what guys! That I have no family alive expect the Hood..... No its not that.... it's that I'm related to the Hood as well. Wait does that mean were sisters? No sorry but were cousins. So why would my father says that all my relatives are dead when you're not? Um... Kayo? It's because I'm the cousin that is good and helps to stop him. So you work with  international resuce and the GDF? Yes. Kayo please don't let him take me back home  I don't want to go back if I do he well force me to use my powers for evil. Lucy I won't let him.... No kayo we won't let him. So now what do we do? Well I think we should take her back to Tracy island in Thunderbird S.  Ok that's sounds like a good idea.

Time skip back on Tracy island

Hey grandma it looks like the boys are back now. I hope they found the girl. The boys, kayo and another girl walk in. John yells Scott who is this and why would you bring her back to Tracy island?  Well first we found the girl but then we found out her family history and that she's related to the Hood p.s John this is the Hoods daughter. What so she is the missing girl? Yep. But still why would you bring the Hoods daughter here? Well she's not as bad as you think, she's actually just like kayo. Hold up! What is it Alan? The Hood has a daughter?  Yep. And does that mean she's related to Kayo? Yes. Ok carry on.

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