Chapter Three-The party part one

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Annabelle on top•


Today is the day of the party. Annabelle and Taylor are at my house getting ready and like always they have different mind sets about my outfit.

"Straighten yur hair it looks better "That was Taylor's opinion

"No she should put it in a bun" That was Annabelle idea

"No she should straighten it like I said why would she put all that in a bun her head is small as hell" Taylor said

"If she straightened it we will be here all day her hair is hard to get straight that shit is nappy" Annabelle added on to the insult Taylor said before

They continued to insult me and my hair's not that nappy it's just that there is alot of it so half way though combing it my hand gets tired and I just say fuck it.

"Why don't I just leave it like this the party started an hour ago and we have curfew let's just get there and get back " trying to convince them to leave me alone

Taylor rolls her eyes while Annabelle huffs and shrugs her shoulders

"Fine let's go ..wait how we gonna get there ?" Annabelle ask me

"We gonna use Jacey car duh but I'm driving,"Taylor volunteers my car

"First off no the fuck we not using Jacey car and second yo Ass not driving my car for cost to much for you to be crashing" I tell her"besides you gonna get drunk and you damn sure not puking in my car "

"I'm not gonna do that besides I fell lucky tonight maybe tonight I'm gonna go home with king,"she says smiling"but if not I guess Blake would do for tonight"

This bish...nevermind I roll my eyes and take out my phone going to the uber app

"We getting a uber can y'all get along long enough for me to order and then had the bathroom?" I ask already knowing the answers

Annabelle looks at me then at Taylor then back at me and raises her eyebrow. I give her a look that makes her roll her eyes and nod her head.

"I mean I guess," Taylor's says looking at Annabelle

I leave out the room and order the uber then use the bathroom when I finish washing my hands I see I got a text from Blake.

Blakey👌💯-yo can you please do me a favor

Jacey💯😝-Sure wassup

Blakey👌💯-Can u keep Taylor away from me

Jacey💯😝-why....isn't she like yur girlfriend..or favorite fuck buddy

Blakey👌💯- She can't get it though her head that we just fucking ..telling everyone we a couple then turn around and fuck one of the homies and get mad when I fuck someone else

Jacey💯😝- that's fucked up ..but I thought you liked her ..what happened to that

Blakey👌💯-Hell no I never liked that was just fucking

Jacey💯😝-okay...I'll try to keep her away from you

We end the conversation and I head back to the room only go see Annabelle and Taylor arguing....again. Rolling my eyes I tell both of them the Uber is here. Blake lives on the other side of town so we arrived over a hour later.

*******Party Time******

Two hours late...oh well who shows up on time?...exactly

The party is only two hours in and already people are passed out drunk and doing stupid shit...only at a Blake Ryders party everyone.

"I'm gonna go see If I can find king!" The one and only Taylor shouts over the loud music

"Isn't his girlfriend with him..why would yo-,'before Annabelle could finish Taylor is already gone on the hunt

"IK she ya family and all but she need a ass,"

"Shit that's the only reason she hasn't got her ass beat...she lets people know everyday how powerful our family is,"

"She need to cant solve everything,"

"Hello ladies,"

Me and Annabelle turn around only to see the whitest white boy from Canada ever..Matthew Stewart the track star and class president.

"Hi Matt...did Blake drag you here?" Annabelle ask since Matt doesn't get out much. all actually

"Kicking and screaming sadly,"

"Oh come on you know you enjoy when I bring you out," Blake says coming out of no where

"Keep telling yourself that," Matthew says walking away probably trying to find a place to hide

"Yea he likes it," Blake says putting his arm around me and Annabelle's neck "so what are your planes for tonight's event,"

"Well idk about you two but I'm off to dance," I turn around and leave them two alone

Not even two minuets into dancing I feel a body behind me..oh well its a high school party these types of things happen


IDK what happened next but after that was said my body connected to the floor...It's the girl from the mall. soon as I realized that I turn us over and start beating on her...hearing her screaming from under me is satisfying but my victory is not yet won due to the fact that I feel multiple hands connecting to different parts of my body where tf is Tay and Annabelle? only a few seconds had passed but it felt like hours..Tay and Annabelle finally show up and get the unknown bitches off me and I can go back to beating the mall bitch ass.

I guess the guy from the mall well king got tired of seeing his girlfriend lose so he pulled me off of her and pulled her and her friends outside.

"Don't even wanna talk about it," I tell Tay and Annabelle since they at giving me a questionable stare

I walk off to find Blake to smoke and tell him about me problems


Hello loves ....Cliche right how the fight starts at a party . The jealous gf just attacks the unknowing girl instead of the bf . You ever notice how when the main character has a fight her friends are no where in sight until she starts getting jumped? How bizarre... would you attack another female when dancing with ya bf even though he went behind her ?

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