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I rubbed a finger against my nose. A dark red liquid left a trail across my skin as I realized my nose was bleeding. "Harry! Look at what you did!" A boys voice said.

"Hey!" Another whined, "I didn't mean to hit her!" His voice was deep. I squinted my eyes, trying to see in the dark. But all I could see was nothing.

I stood up slowly, dusting my legs off, hoping I didn't get mud on my white shorts. "Uhm, excuse me? Who are you?" The two voices laughed.

An iPhone was suddenly thrust in my face, shining a light. "Take it. You'll be able to see us if you shine the light on us." The one with the higher voice said. I was a bit wary, but I took the phone anyway. The white glow blinded me, making me turn it to face them instantly.

They placed a hand in front of their faces, obviously because the light was too bright. "So," I said, dragging out the word, "are you going to tell me who you are, or am I just going to have to call you both the guys who broke into my front garden?"

They chuckled again. One with curly, brown hair, smiled at me. I liked his dimples. I've always found dimples attractive. And his forest green eyes. They captivated me - made the breath get caught in my throat. The other one, he also had brown hair. It was styled a bit like Frankie's from The Saturdays. He was grinning at me cheekily.

"CARROTS!" He suddenly shouted, doing a fist pump in the air.

I giggled because it was random.

The curly haired boy sighed. "Louis, you ate all the carrots on the way here, remember?"

"Oh, but I wanted some carrots!" He pretended to cry.

"Hi, I'm Harry, and this is Louis," The curly haired boy, Harry, said.

"I'm Cameron, but you can just call me Cam." I replied.

Harry suddenly looked at me worriedly. "I'm really sorry about hitting you in the face with the ball."

Louis sighed. "Can we come inside your very BIG house and explain it to you?" He grinned excitedly. I had barely just nodded before he shouted, "Woo!" And then ran toward my house.

I walked alongside Harry in silence. Maybe I shouldn't have let two complete strangers into my house, but whats done is done now. Shrugging, I turned on the lights and leaded them over to the living room. Louis turned the TV on before either of us even sat down.

Harry pinched his leg. "Ow! What was that for!?" Louis whined, jutting out his bottom lip.

"Have some manners!"

"Pleeeeaaase tell me what that was for! Happy now?"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

"Well what did you mean?"

Harry sighed, and shook his head. "Never mind."

My head was moving back and forth as I waited for them to start the explanation. Louis turned to me, and grinned cheekily. "Do you have any carrots?"

I was taken aback by the question, but laughed anyway. "Um, yeah. I think so."

I watched as the crazy boy jumped up and ran out of the room. "Louis, you're going-" Harry started to say, but then stopped mid-sentence, realising he couldn't be heard.

He shook his head, and then turned to me. "I'm quite surprised you're not screaming over us yet."

"Huh?" I asked stupidly.

"You know, because of who we are and everything."


"Harry Styles?"


"Louis Tomlinson?"


"One Direction? Ring a bell?" He asked, amused because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Sorry, what are you going on about?"

"You've never watched The X Factor? Or read magazines before?"

"Nope. Should I? And what on earth is One Direction?"

He chuckled. "Finally, someone who doesn't know who we are!"

I raised an eyebrow. "O-kay then. So who are you then?"

He grinned. "One Direction is a band, babes. We were formed on The X Factor."

I rolled my eyes. "Cool. But please, do me a favour and don't call me babes again. It's tacky."

He laughed. "Whatever you say, babes."

I glowered at him. "Shut up!"

He jumped from his seat and laughed. "Never babe!"

Smirking, I jumped up as well and leaped onto his back. "Say you'll never call me that again and I'll get down!"

Suddenly, another voice interrupted us. "Guys I-OH MY GOD PILE ON!" Louis jumped on my back, which caused Harry to stumble with all the weight, and we fell onto the floor.

Good God he's heavy!

Meeting You Sucked. Nah. Just Kidding. It Was Great. (One Direction/Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now