Chapter Nine: Meet Tiana Part Two

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Chapter Nine: Meet Tiana Part Two

The music was blaring as the boys sang their hearts out on stage. We were in the third row, right in front of the platform. The only song I’d ever heard of theirs was ‘What makes you beautiful’, which they sang fifth. It hurt my ears as the over excited fourteen year olds girls screamed in your face. It made me wince and wish I was somewhere else. Other than that, the whole atmosphere was a buzz. The look of enjoyment on other peoples face, the look of content on the boys face, and me, I just felt happy to be there to support them.

Signs were being held up in the air whilst girls – and some boys – shouted outrageous things at the boys. I was overwhelmed with laughter the first time I seen them. Charlie was grinning at me, telling me that they’re here every single time. Some had things like ‘LOUIS I’LL BE YOUR CARROT QUEEN’ and ‘You’ve eaten your way to my heart Niall’.

Others were definitely not suitable for PG ratings.

I felt sorry for the man who seemed to be in his early forties, sitting next to me. He was slumped in his chair, whereas everyone else was standing up. Two young girls kept speaking to him, so I’m assuming he’s their dad. He looked like he was bored and just wanted to go home. I wouldn’t blame him if he has to cope with screaming girls crowding him.

Charlie was standing next to me, and on the other side of her was Tiana. She seemed very nice. She was from Scotland, and was eighteen. It seems I’m the baby of the group. It’s my birthday soon anyways. I’m not doing anything special, just acting like a normal day.

I was feeling immensely jealous of the red haired girl though. Who wouldn’t? She’s Harry freaking Styles’ girlfriend for crying out loud! I was also annoyed at the fact that she wasn’t like the character Rachel McAdams plays in Mean Girls. A girl who is that pretty can’t have a great personality to match, can she?

The room was really hot. I was sweating like mad as I blew upwards, blowing on my forehead and making random strands of hair move out of my eyes. The boys were now singing ‘I should have kissed you’.

They were all really good. Liam had the more steady voice. Harry the husky voice. Zayn was good for falsetto. Louis had a higher voice, and Niall had a more old song voice. And when their voices came together, it was all in perfect harmony.

“They’re great,” I shouted in Charlie’s ear.

Charlie grinned. “They’re better than great! They’re amazing!”

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I did agree with her.

The concert lasted an hour, and us three were told to wait by backstage. When we got there, squealing girls were jumping up and down, posters and albums in their hands, waiting to be signed. Tiana turned to Charlie, her eyes widening. “Does this always happen?”

My best friend laughed. “They have permission to be here. They have backstage passes,” Charlie pointed to the wrist bands they all seemed to be wearing.

Tiana and I nodded in realization. “Ohhh,” We both said in unison.

The door opened and out walked two beefy security guards. Behind them were the boys. They had changed clothes into just some sweats and a plain t shirt. They were smiling at the girls.

One of the security guards walked over to us, who were standing in the corner. “Miss. Styles, Miss. Dean, and Miss. Perch?” He asked sternly.

I nodded, feeling slightly intimidated. “Yes, that’s us…”

“I have strict orders to take you backstage. Follow me please,” We followed the guard through another door, on the opposite side of the room. It was almost like a hidden door. We never even noticed it. It took us to backstage. “This is the green room. You may wait here until they get here.”

Meeting You Sucked. Nah. Just Kidding. It Was Great. (One Direction/Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now