Chapter Five

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I dropped my black suitcase on the white marble floor and turned to everyone here: Mum, Dad, Amanda, Lily and Zach.

Zach and I made up shortly after I had returned back home. He claimed that he was sick the night before my bootcamp audition and couldn’t make it. He seemed fidgety while explaining it to me, but I just assumed he was nervous that I would be angry at him.

“I can’t believe my baby has gotten this far, I'm so proud of you, darling.” My mother came over to me, wrapping me in a hug and kissing the top of my head.

“Okay, Sarah, that’s enough, you’re embarrassing the poor girl.” My dad said, peeling my mum off me, literally, and wrapping me in one of his own fatherly hugs. “I love you so much, Daisy. Do us proud out there, okay?” he asked, making me nod and smile.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, I was currently at the Heathrow airport, about to make my way to judges houses. I still had to meet with the other girls that were going to the houses, too, but I still had some time.

It’s crazy to think that living in such a small area, I got given this opportunity. I mean, where I live, it isn’t tiny, but ‘celebrities’ certainly don’t come from there. No one has really heard of Letchworth before, it just isn’t popular enough.

“I will, dad.” I smiled, before turning to my two closest friends.

Amanda had tears in her eyes. “Don’t forget us when you’re big and famous, okay.” She stated, pulling me into another hug.

Lily said similar things to me, wishing me good luck and to ‘whip the other girls’ arses’. To which I laughed to and agreed.

I looked over to Zach. “So next time you see me, I will either be going to the live shows or coming back and living the normal life again.” I said, getting my own tears in my eyes. This was an emotional journey. You never know what will happen next, it’s a constant roller coaster.

“Good luck, baby. I know you can do it, you have an amazing voice.” Zach kissed me on the lips once, causing me to smile. “Try not to go near the boys though, okay?” he added quickly, making me laugh. I didn’t even bother to answer before kissing him one more time and pulling away, picking up my carry on bag.

“I guess I’ll see you in a week then.” I looked at everyone. They all nodded, wishing me good-luck and giving final hugs before bidding goodbye and all going our separate ways.

I met the girls ten minutes later at gate fifteen. We all said our hello’s and started gentle conversation on how we had been recently.

We had yet to find out the destination of the house we would be going to. Apparently, it technically isn’t the judges’ actual house we’re going to, it’s just a rental for the week, which is extremely large and we will be living in for a bit.

We had to wait until someone came over to us and give us an envelope with the destination. I was aware of the camera men with T-shirts with ‘X factor’ written on them. They were waiting for our reaction to the destination we were given.

I’ve seen the show so many times, that I could know what they were doing in my sleep. In a way, the whole thing seemed cheesy but it was all so real at the same time, this could make or break my career, yet I was relying on one person, Niall, to change my life. After that, I would have to rely on the audience watching the show; I had to amaze them, make them want me to win.

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