Not a Chance In Hell

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Bright slammed into his room, Daniel in tow, and pegged Spawn with a glare when he looked up from the book he was reading while lounging on his bed.

"May I help you, love?" Spawn asked with a smirk.

"Your slave is my adorable face. That doesn't work for me, Spawn. There is no way in hell I'm letting you anywhere near him. Who let you have a slave this year anyway? Especially after what happened last year," Bright said loudly.

"Last year? Did something bad happen last year?" Daniel asked worried.

"Why are you so fucking noisy?! I'm trying to study. This is still a damn place of education the last time I checked," Quinn grumbled at Bright.

"Stick your nose back under a microscope, lab rat. I've got bigger problems at the moment than your grumpy ass."

"I'm going to drop your ass in a vat of acid if you don't get the fuck out and leave us in peace," Quinn threatened.

"This is my room too, mad scientist. I have every right to be as loud and messy as I want to be," Bright argued.

"Don't remind me. We know. I know I'm not the only one that has to hold himself back from strangling your ass every night especially when you go through that ridiculous night routine. Are you a girl? Should we check?" Quinn taunted.

"Fuck you, Quinn."

A shrill whistle sound rent the air causing the bickering males to stop and look at the smaller cutie, hands on hips, face scrunched in annoyance.

"Awwwww, adorable face don't make that face at me. I room with Dr. Frankenstein, a hacker, and Fifty Shades. I'm the only normal one among the bunch!" Bright insisted.

"Christian Grey is a child compared to me, love." Spawn got up off the bed and walked over to Daniel, walking around him in a circle. "You have lovely skin. It would turn such a pretty pink when spanked."

Daniel gasped and quickly moved closer to Bright.

"See! You can't say shit like that to people, Spawn! You had that poor kid last year in tears whenever you asked him to get you that weird kinky crap you like. He dropped out because of you."

Spawn shrugged a muscular shoulder and looked unapologetic. "I wasn't trying to play with him. Just using him for errands. How strange is buying pineapple and lube?"

Quinn laughed. "For a fresh as fuck virgin, probably pretty fucking strange, mate."

"Depends on what you are doing with the pineapple," Daniel said.

Spawn leaned in close to Daniel and whispered, "Would you like to find out, kitten?"

Bright pulled Daniel away from Spawn and brought Daniel behind him. "No, he would not. And don't call him kitten."

Sighing, Spawn said, "If I give up my slave, I want yours."

"No can do. Noh's contract is null and void. He's not getting another master."

"Noh?! You mean that sexy little wet number? That was your slave and you let him go?" Spawn asked stunned.

"I have my Daniel. Noh has Phun. Believe me, you don't want to mess with that fucker. He's as scary as Arthit when it comes to his boyfriend."

"I don't mind a challenge."

"Not happening, pervert. Are you going to be cool about this or a dick?"

"Fine, I'll release Daniel. It's not like I'll have trouble finding myself another toy to play with," Spawn said with another sigh. Bright didn't have any doubts the scary demon spawn could find numerous playmates; he was a handsome bastard. Had that whole exotic, bad boy vibe going with his dark skin, dark hair, and various tattoos. Not that Bright looked at other guys' bodies, only his Harry's, but Spawn had a body to be proud of with that muscular build. Maybe being kinky was good exercise?

Spawn walked over to Quinn sitting at his desk and leaned in over him to whisper in his ear, "Are you sure you don't want to play, pet?"

Spritz, Spritz

Spawn reared back, face full of water. Quinn had sprayed him with the water bottle on his desk.

"I guess this isn't just good for watering plants and punishing naughty kitties," Quinn smirked, "Not a chance in hell, Spawn. Try to touch me again and next time it will be mace."

"Feisty! I like it."

"Irritated. Everyone go away," Quinn growled.

"We're going, relax." Bright took Daniel's hand and pulled him towards the door. "Adorable face, can we start that date now? Does Joe's House of Pizza sound good?"

Daniel giggled. Of course this guy would want to go to the place he gave him as his number, "Sounds perfect."

Spawn looked back at Quinn with a smirk and a wink.

"Mace, Spawn, mace."

Spawn laughed, "Fine, pet. I'll leave you alone for now. I've got to go anyway. I'll see you later."

"Finally, peace and quiet."



Hello my lovelies,

For anyone confused, DL/Spawn is a new character created especially for SH.  You won't find him in SOTUS or Love Sick.  I should have mentioned that in the last chapter.  Sorry for any confusion.  

Thank you guys so much for your continued love and support of SH.  I am so thankful to have so many amazing lovelies that love all these boys as much as I do.  I have so much more in store for all of them.  I can't wait to hear from you all and don't forget to make that cute little star shine!  Don't forget to check out the SHH! blog,, you can find all kinds of fun stuff on there.  I try to update it regularly.

Lots of Love,


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