Chapter 1~

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Elle's POV:

"I want to hold you in way's that I can't. I want to kiss you in song's that daze by in an endless motion. I want to show you everything in the world that is possible." He whispered in my ear, breathlessily, moving me closer to him.

I looked up at him. A wet tear streamed down my cheek, leaving me wrapping my thin arms around his neck.

"Ell you don't know how much you mean to be." His green loving eyes stared straight into my blue ones. "If I wasn't sick I would do every single detail of everything I described. All of them, but I just..I j-just."

I interlaced my hand in his, kissing each individual finger. "Shh."

-Six Month's Ago-

I sat staring at the plain white hospital wall infront of me. "You're lieing right maybe the results are wrong?!" My mum exclaimed, her eyes widening.

My stomache started to swirl with pure fear. I just couldn't believe. I have leukemia...

My dad grabbed my hand in his, as the doctor sat down infront of us. Quickly pushing his loose frame glasses up his nose. "Mr. and Mrs's Ullen I've looked at the results of the scan a million times. I'm 90% positive it is what she has. An all of the symptoms that you guy's diagnosed her with all match this disease."

My heart race started to speed up.

"H-How long?" A lump formed in my throat as I asked the question.

I'm sixteen year's old and never in a million years would I predict this to happen. I was just like every other teenage girl. Dreaming about getting married and having children...going to a high class college and getting a wonderful job that would put food on the table for my family.

Grow old sitting on the porch the breeze of the wind wrapping around me as I held my husband's hand watching my grand-kids play out front.

Tear's welded up in my blue eyes.

"Were not sure yet. Elle this is only stage one. We caught it right before it could go out of hand. So the best thing for you guys to do is go home, and within a week we should call and tell you about her first procedure that will be done." He explained fully in detail.

My dad's grasp got tighter around my hand, "What do we do then?" He asked, my mom looking down at me.

"I want you guy's to go to a disease organization that is located north of London. Just a few blocks from down here." He took out a piece of white paper from his white long coat, writing what I assume and address on it and immediately handing it to my dad.

My dad's grey-blue eyes scanned the piece of paper.

"Wait. Why does she have to go there. Couldn't she just take medications or see a conselor personally? Instead of speaking to people about her emotions?" My mum asked, her tight voice full with complete concern.

The doctor cleared his throat standing up, "It will help her cope with her feelings. I think that talking to other people that are experiencing likely the same thing will help Elle alot." How would that help. Seeing people release there minds infront of me would make things even worse. "My other patients that are just like you got suggested to the same thing, and they absolutely love it."

I unlaced my shaky hands from my dad's hold standing up after the doctor.

"I'll see you in a week Elle, and before we call try to get alot of rest please." He gave me a sympathetic smile, then opened up the large door, and lightly closed it behind him.

My mouth became dry. My parents walked up behind me wrapping me in their arms. Hugging me with as much comfort that I needed at this current moment in time.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted it to just be a clever joke.

A wet tear adrupted from the corner of my eyes followed my many others. My parent's not following far behind.

I was devasted and so were they.


"Maybe we can go out for pizza, because I'm starved?" My mum suggested letting out a light giggle, as my dad pulled out of the parking lot.

I lightly layed my head on the glass window after I buckled myself up in my seat.

The sun was barely shining in the sky letting me quickly know that it was around five or six at night. I sighed, fluttering my eyes closed.

"What about Nando's?." Dad added, his deep voice cracking at the end.

I shook my head, "I..I just w-want to go home."

They stared at me through the re-view mirror. "Elle..."

Without hesistation I finally spoke, "You guy's don't get how much this is going to ruin my life. I can't be around my friends anymore unless I want to cry. No guy's will ever like me if they found out. Nothing willl ever be normal after this EVER. I-I might as well just go ahead and die." I couldn't help it. I can't keep it in any longer. It just had to spill out of my mouth.


"No! It's going to happen the both of you know it!" I bellowed, my voice falling weak as I rested my head into my fragile hands. "An stop acting so happy. Pizza or..o-or Nandos for god's sake isn't going to solve anything. Nothing will!" After that comment left my mouth I immediately regretted it.

My heart beat was already beating itself out of my chest, making me feel like I was going to faint any time soon.

My parent's stayed silent. The air between us all became suddenly cold within seconds. I knew that they were hurt by what I just said, but all of it is the truth. I"m going to die from this. My grandparents had the same thing. Stage one but quickly lost to it within two years.

Two years of life left was predicted for me. Most likely.

I can't just look at things like I use to a day ago.

"I-I'm..sorry." I mumbled, silently.

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