Chapter 1

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"Alright, sounds great." Kat tells Brendon who stood in the sound booth. He nods and sets his headphones down, "It's your sister you're in trouble." She laughs glancing at the his phone which had a notification of a text from his sister Erica.

He grabs his phone off the table, and unlocks it to look at it.

"She just got into town, her and Pete are waiting with Sarah at home." Brendon explains.

"Figured as much. My parents are coming later so see you later?"

"Yeah." He smiles, leaving. The two friends left the studio before parting ways.

Brendon Urie drove down the highway that night, excited to spend time with his family. He heard his phone go off just then, which caught his attention.

Right as he went to glance at it another car that was driving recklessly slammed into the side of Brendon's car.


As Kat was spending time with Patrick, her son, and her parents her phone went off with a call from Erica.

"Hang on this is probably important." She says before answering, "Hey Erica is everything okay?"

"K-Katt..." Erica stutters to her.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Kat asks, starting to get a little protective.

"Everything's wrong... it's all w-wrong..." Erica says. "Its Brendon. C-come to the hospital."

"Fuck." She curses, "Okay I'll be there in like 10 minutes max. I just need you to breathe for me Okay? Just breathe and try to stay as calm as you can until I get there." She then hung up and needed to take a minute to breathe

"Hey Patrick can you stay here with Declan?"

"Sure, um-" he says, as Kat quickly left out the door. She got in her car and quickly started to drive to the hospital, her own anxiety was through the roof but she tried to swallow it. She needed to stay strong for Erica, Sarah, and even Brendon right now.

She quickly arrived at the hospital, finding Sarah, Pete and Erica already waiting. Erica stood up to see her.

"He's in surgery." She swallows.

"What happened?" She asks as she embraced Erica in a comforting hug.

"They said he was in a car accident... He came in here barely alive. He's in surgery now." She says, as Pete stands up.

"Nice to see you, Kat." He says, giving her a small smile. "Just wish it was at a better time."

"Likewise Pete." She nods, "How bad were his injuries? Did they give you specifics on anything?" She asks as she pulls away from Erica.

"I don't know." She sighs, sitting down. "I'm hungry."

"I can go grab something. I'll take her with me to get her mind off things for a bit." Kat offers. Pete gives her a nod, and sits next to Sarah. Erica follows Kat down to the cafeteria.

"He'll pull through. He always does." Kat tells her, trying to convince her own doubts.

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