Chapter 5

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When I wake up I'm shivering and Jack is already gone. I sit up and see my window left open. I get up and close it, before running back to my bed and cover up.

Jack comes back in my room dressed in new clothes. My brothers, probably.

"You're alive," he exclaims and I flip him off. "Well, then," he says with fake hurt. "You are gonna be late."

"S-shit," I say jumping up quickly. I grab one of my Sleeping with Sirens shirts. It has Kellin's face on it, but I have pride in him. I change in front of Jack and stand there in pink lace, while I look for jeans.

I choose white skinnies with tears and zebra leggings underneath. Fully dressed I text Kellin, asking for a ride.

"Ready yet?" I shake my head at my impatient friend.

"Wait-ting f-f-for an ans-swer from K-Kells," I explain.

"He's downstairs waiting." My eyes widen and I get my I-pod. "Now you ready?" I glare at him and walk out of the room. Halfway down the stairs, I trip, but Jack catches me.

"T-thanks," I say and go down the rest of the stairs. At the bottom are my combat boots with socks in them.

Kellin must've known I was gonna wear them. I grab them and go to the kitchen. Sitting down, I pull on my socks and boots.

I check myself. Phone, iPod, clothes, oh! My beanie. I grab a grey beanie and pull it over my hair. My brother honks the horn to his truck so I go outside, trusting Jack to lock the door. My mum unlocks it when she gets home from work.

"Finally," kellin says when I get in front.

"Yeah, he had time to get me," Oli says from the back. I jump then Oliver laughs at me.

"S-so funny," I say sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm on your boobs!" Kellin says as Jack gets in.

"Please never say that again," he says laughing.

"What? Boobs?" Jack nods quickly. "Why? Do you not like them?" Jack turns red.

"O-of course I do," he replies defensively. Oli pulls out his phone and everyone goes quiet. Jack's phone vibrates so he checks it. "Ew, Oli."

"So boobs are 'ew' now?" Oliver asks.

"B-babe, leave him alone," I say and Kellin hits the gas. I put in headphones and listen to "True Friends" by Oli's band, but I listen to it very loud. I close my eyes and accidentally fall asleep. I wake up to my brother pulling out my earbuds and pulling me out of the truck. "God!" I shout. I glare at him.

"Sorry, but unless you want to be late, you got to go," he says. I nod and get my earbuds from him. Jack links his arm with mine and we head to class. He leaves me by the door to my class and goes next door to his.

I find my seat near a keyboard and start getting out my music sheets with partially finished lyrics. Alex comes over to sit with me and I grin at him. "I got your bag for you."

"Hey. I-I finish-ed the m-music f-for you-u." I tell him happily.

"Great, if I finish the lyrics, Jack and I can start recording in a few days and you can come." I grin and nod.

"Amber Smith. Please report to the office." Nervously, I glance at Alex.

"It's fine, you're a good kid. It's probably scheduling." I nod but feel my anxiety level rising. My Latino teacher waves me out so I put my stuff in my bag and head to the office. I start breathing too heavy and my vision swirls. Black spots blur my eyes and I lean to the locker. I try to slow my breathing. My vision slowly clears and there is a boy watching me.

"Uh, are you okay?" He asks quietly so I nod slowly and walk away quickly. I feel sick as I walk into the office.

"Miss Amber Smith?" I nod. "We had an error in the schedules and we are changing yours again." She hands me a schedule.

"T-thanks," I say and smile at her.

"You're very welcome," she says surprised. I leave and try to read over the new schedule.

I walk past my old class and into my new one. Jack is in there working with the boy from the hall.

He looks surprised and walks over to me excitedly.

"My partner, Ronnie, saw you in the hall, like, 10 minutes ago. Are you okay?"

"P-p-panic attack-k." I tell him.

"Okay well, the only one with no partner right now is Vic." I look around for the familiar face. The seat by him is empty, but I don't go over there. I walk to the teacher.

"Hello, are you new?" I shake my head.

"I-I'm a transfer-r," I explain to her.

"Well, I'm Mrs Seleena."

"Hi, Mrs Seleena," I say as calmly as I can.

"Do you mind working with Victor?" She asks kindly.

"N-no ma'am," I reply and walk over to Vic and he looks up, surprised. "H-hi, I told y-you I-I would s-s-see you ar-round."

"Yes you did and here you are, aren't you?" I nod and blush slightly at his accent. I look around and see Oli.

I feel all the colour in my cheeks drain. I smile a little and wave at him. He grins and waves back.

"Okay so the teacher, Mrs Hispanic, wants us to work together and write original songs."

"I'm g-good at songs-s," I say and he looks away.

"Well, it's almost done actually," he says shyly. I nod understanding.

"W-well you're in a b-band s-so it's understandable," I say only a little disappointed.

"Hey, I'll let you finish it if you want..."

"C-class is-s almost ov-over so I'll r-r-read it tonight-t." He nods and hands me the paper with the music. Yet the bell rings and everyone leaves except Oli.

"Hey, who's your new boyfriend?" I look at him uncomfortably. "Still me then?" I nod. "Good cuz you're still mine."

"I k-know." I kiss him and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me smiling.

"We h-have to g-go to class-s." I press my face against his chest and groan. He pulls my schedule out of my back pocket. "Chemistry?" I groan and shove it back in my pocket.

"Don't be late," the teacher says. Oli pulls me out of the room and he walks me toward the science hall. He kisses me at my door and walks toward his class.

The warning bell goes off and I walk into class. I find a seat near the back. The teacher, Mr Green, looks up but doesn't say anything. I get out the required notebook and start to write in the margins. I try a few lines of a poem, but can't think of more.

"A lonely girl

With her vacant stares,

Screaming in silence

But nobody cares."

"Hey, that's really good," says the boy from the hall. He is seated beside me. "Maybe this?" I wait as he writes

"Her pain goes unnoticed

No one can tell,

She smiles like an angel

But she's going through hell."

"Y-yeah, that's g-good," I say and take the pen.

"Her eyes brim with anger

She cuts her own skin,

Her sad little smile

Fades and grows thin

Scars on her body

Scars on her soul,

This hateful world

Has taken its toll."

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