Chapter 6

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I look up at the boy.

"I'm Ronnie," he says, "and this class is bull."

"W-what ar-re we sup-posed-d to be d-doing?" I ask carefully.

"None of us know. The teacher doesn't talk. He's mute. We get reading assignments, then tests, but we don't really learn much." He gets out his textbook. "Read 10.1 and you'll be good to go." I open the book and my head spins.

"Uh." I look at the page helplessly. No one even knows yet.

"What's wrong?" he frowns. "Can't read or something?" I slowly shake my head.

"I can read," I say and look at the book again. "Kinda," I add under my breath.

"Kinda? How can someone 'kinda' read?" he asks.

"Dyslexia," I write. "I-it's a reading disorder," I explain.

"So, your brain doesn't work right?"

"Rude," I state.

"Sorry, I just mean, uh, is it common?" I nod. "Maybe I could come over and help you today?"

"I-I dunno i-if my b-boyfriend-d would li-ike that," I say.

"Aren't you Oliver's girl?" I nod again. "Well, then I'll ask him it it's alright."

"O-okay," I mutter and try to read the book again. I put my head down with a sigh.

"Hey, it'll be alright," he assures me. "It's almost time to go." He takes the book and puts it in his bag. I put my things away as well and impatiently watch the clock. "Watching the clock makes time move slower," he says.

"Well, I-I've nothing-g better to do r-right now-w," I tell him. He pulls out his phone and pulls up his music app. He clicks on an artist called "Falling in Reverse." He chooses a song called "Not a Vampire."

"M-music? Out-t loud-d?" I stutter nervously. My other classes would take up the phone.

"Well, I'm not a vampire but I feel like one. Sometimes I sleep all day because I hate the sun." I nod slightly to the beat and grin at Ronnie.

"Th-they're really good," I say smiling.

"That's me and my band. We recorded on Friday." I continue to listen up to the bell, and pull out the schedule. I smile when I see sculpture still there.

Happy that I don't have the weird new student feeling, I get my bag and walk out. I wave at Ronnie as he walks away. I walk faster to class, because this teacher will count me late. I go to the back to my project and start to work.

I get home after school and Kellin is already home. In my room is a really big box with a fancy bow. I read the little tag; all it says is my name. I try to pick it up but I feel something move, and it's heavy. I open it carefully and I find a small kitten inside.

"Kells?" I ask loudly, and he walks upstairs.

"Who is that from?" he asks, confused. I shrug and hold the kitten against me gently. "Oh, it must have been Ronnie; he's downstairs." I look up at him.

"H-here?" I whisper nervously, just as the door opens.

"Yeah, sure, you can come in," Kellin says sarcastically.

"Sorry, wait, are y'all related?" he asks excitedly. Kellin nods. "That's so cool, you guys were amazing on tour."

"Aw, Amber, you brought a fanboy home," Kellin whines like a child. Embarrassed, Ronnie turns red. "Naw, I'm kidding dude."

"He's here t-to help-p me w-with Ch-chemistry." Kells nods and walks out grinning, leaving me with Ronnie. I look away from him immediately and pull out my Chemistry book. Opening the book to the page he showed me before, I finally look at him.

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