Chapter 5: A Strange Turn of Events

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After you finished your errands, you slowly but surely made way to your house enjoying your time with Suwa. The clouds trapped the Sun behind them, leaving a cold chill in the air and the roads and sidewalks were drenched in the rain from earlier. The tall soccer jock seemed distracted but when he noticed your gaze, he flashed you a warm smile. When you both arrived at your house, you both engaged in conversation, not wanting to leave, "Thank you for walking me home. I would've been drenched without my umbrella!" He stood close to you, looking into your eyes with a warm smile as you both stood under his umbrella, "No problem." Your face began to feel warm when he waved goodbye, "See you soon?" You snapped out of it and nodded nervously, blushing uncontrollably. He smiled turning away to make his departure, "Goodbye, (Y/N)." You couldn't let him go without saying anything and your mouth opened uncontrollably as you let out one last plea for his attention, "Hey Suwa?"

He quickly turned his head towards you, his interest peaked by what you wanted to say. The words were lodged in your throat as you tried to open your mouth to speak. You could feel your heart pressing quickly on your chest and your body felt warm, "Um, I..." The friendly giant's expression changed from intrigued to confused, however he kept his big, goofy smile plastered on his face as he inched towards you. His height intimidated you as he grew closer, but you still couldn't find the words you wanted to say. He leaned in close to you and pressed a finger gently on your lips, "You're really cute when you're nervous." His cheeks also revealed a light shade of pink as he looked in your eyes. His gaze had a certain gleam to them even on this dreary day as he brushed your hair back to land a light kiss on your cheek, "Would you be my valentine, (Y/N)?" His warm breathe made your neck hairs stand up as he whispered the question in your ear, sending chills down your spine. You nodded, still unable to speak as he overwhelmed you with feelings you didn't even know you had. He gave a light chuckle looking into your eyes once more, "Good, I'm glad."

Suwa stood up quickly, shouting with a new found energy, "Yes! I have a valentine!" You couldn't help but laugh as he cheered to the heavens and you continued to laugh together. "Well, I better be off," Suwa waved to you as he started walking back into town, you smiled to yourself, watching him leave when your mom interrupted your thoughts, "Honey! Come inside or you'll catch a cold!" You giggled, almost skipping to your doorway as you entered your home to your mom, raising a brow at you playfully, "He seemed excited, mind telling me who the lucky boy is?" You rolled your eyes trying to blow off your mother's suspicion, "Mom, relax. He just walked me home." She teased you a little more, "Oh it looked like a little more than that to me." She mimicked kissing noises, as you grew flustered, realizing that she saw everything. "Mom!" She stopped teasing you, grabbing the items that you retrieved for her, "Thank you for grabbing these for me, I appreciate it!" She waltzed into the kitchen, leaving you in the doorway embarrassed when you heard something behind you. You turned quickly to see a letter on the floor in a personalized envelope. Picking it up, you read the front of it seeing that it's addressed to you, but it doesn't say who it's from. In confusion, you walked up to your room and sat on your bed, examining it in private. It has today's date on it somehow, but who is it from? And why is it addressed to you?

"Hello, (Y/N). This is Kakeru, but I'm a little different from the Kakeru you know."

Huh? What does he mean by different?

"I'm from the future, ten years to be exact."

Future? Ten years?? This is some kind of joke.

"Before you throw this away, I need you to hear me out first. I know it's hard to believe, but please finish this letter before throwing it away."

The letter continued on by telling you the events of today like it was a chapter in a story. Word for word, the letter went into detail about your time with Suwa and bumping into Kakeru, well your Kakeru. There were pictures packed in with the letter, pictures of people, friends. Friends that you didn't know, friends that you haven't met yet. And then there was someone that seemed familiar; even ten years in the future, he hasn't changed at all. That goofy smile and bright red hair said it all, it was Suwa. You blushed at the photos and how handsome he was, you couldn't believe it. "No way," you kept reading the letter.

"Suwa is very important to me. He saved me ten years ago from a terrible mistake, and now I'm happier than ever. I want to help him the same way that he helped me all those years ago, and I believe that you can do it."

Help? What does he mean by help? What's wrong with him?

"I can't tell you too much, but I can tell you this. You will receive a letter every day from me. I need you to tell me what's going on, that is, the me in your timeline. Trust me, I'll believe you."


"And you can't tell Suwa anything about this. It has to be a secret. He cannot know about the letters, the pictures, he can't know any of it."

But what do I do? How can I help him if I don't even know what's going on?

"Together we can help save Suwa. You just have to believe me first..."

Save Suwa...what does he mean by that? What are we saving him from? This was a lot to take in, you haven't talked to Kakeru in a while. What if he doesn't believe you? What if you mess up? Plus, there was one thing different that happened today that didn't happen in the letter...

...He never asked you to be his valentine.

To be continued...

The One I Never Deserved {Suwa x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now