Ten Years Later....

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The Sun stretched it's warmth and light across the landscape, with light gusts of wind making cherry blossom petals dance lively along the ground. A group of young children were playing soccer on this beautiful day, including a red headed boy resembling his father in both looks and personality. "Hey, Koku! Your mom and I are back with snacks!" The wide eyed child turned to see his parents waving to him in the distance and with a new found spirit rushed over to them, "Coming!" You all sat together comfortably on a blanket with carefully placed snacks and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Koku immediately grabbed a sandwich about to take a bite when his father cleared his throat, "Koku, thank your Mother for the food." He corrected himself immediately, apologizing for his actions. "Oh sorry, thank you Mom!" You shook your head smiling, "Go ahead and eat. With an appetite like your father's, you must be starving!" Suwa laughed, attempting to defend himself from your teasing, "Hey, he's a growing boy just like his father was at that age!" Koku chimed in, mouth already stuffed with his sandwich, "Oh yeah? What's your excuse now that you're an old man, Dad!" Suwa pulled in his son for a nookie, "Call me that again and this old man can't play soccer with you anymore!" You all laughed together, enjoying your time on this beautiful day together.

As the Sun began to set you were all walking through town, heading home before it got too dark. You were laughing about something together when your son Koku caught a glimpse of something and stopped in his tracks. Curious, you and Suwa looked ahead, trying to figure out what he was so fixated on. A young girl roughly his age was looking in the window of one of the shops in town, not even noticing Koku's fixation. Suwa leaned over to his son, resting his hand on boy's head talking to him in a low whisper, "Hey Koku, you like that girl over there, don't you?" Koku stood there stiff, blushing profusely as he nodded in embarrassment. His father then slipped out a little bit of money from his back pocket, "Go ask her what she wants and buy it for her. She'll love it because it came from from you." Koku shook his head refusing to move, so Suwa gave him a little push and placed the money in his hand. "Go to her, Koku. You'll regret it if you don't." 

 He gasped in realization and then ran to the girl calling out her name. You and Suwa just stood there, admiring him as he started talking to his crush, "Gosh, he's already starting to like girls. Time flies." You laughed at Suwa's statement, analyzing your boy as he made his crush laugh, "He acts just like you did when you were younger." Koku and the girl of his dreams walk in the store together, "Hey, it worked though right?" You watched the sunset together, reminiscing.  "What's it been now, ten years?" Suwa nodded, holding your hand with a big smile brighter than the view you were taking in, "Mmhm. Ten of the happiest years of my life." You both looked into each other's eyes longingly, closing in for a kiss when you were interrupted by Koku's disgusted cry, "Ew, kissing is gross!" Suwa shook his fist at the boy, "Hey, don't make me embarrass you in front of your girlfriend!" Koku stuck his tongue out, grabbing the girl by the hand, "She's not my girlfriend!" They ran down the sidewalk together, giggling as Suwa started after them, "Hey this old man's gonna catch you and give you the biggest nookie you've ever had!" Walking behind them you smiled, enjoying the scene of your husband happily chasing after your son,  "I never deserved you."  

The End (For real this time.) 

Sorry this came out so late! Just thought it would be a cute idea to have an extra Ten Years Later Chapter to stay true to the story! Tell me how you like it!   

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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