2. Fed up

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Jennie let out a frustrated huff regretting not getting switched out of her second class that she unfortunately shared with Lisa who would not leave her alone. She was trying so hard to focus on her teacher's math lesson but couldn't because Lisa kept poking her, calling her name, and even threw a few wads on paper.

"Jennie. ...Jennie."

Jennie whirled around ready to rip the girl's head off. "What?"

"Please forgive me." Lisa poked out her bottom lip in a pout that Jennie could sadly admit was a little adorable.

"No," Jennie snapped. "Now leave me alone."

"At least let me make it up to you," the blonde insisted. "How about that walk on the beach I told you about?"

"How about no."

"Ohh," Lisa said as if she had a eureka moment. "I know what this about. You're jealous about that small moment Rose and I had this morning. Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm all about you. Well you and a few other people but that's not important. "

"Jealous?" Jennie actually laughed out loud at the absurd accusation. "You actually said something funny." Jennie suddenly grew serious. "Now leave me alone."

Lisa held up her hands in surrender. "Suit yourself."

The brunette scoffed and turned back in her seat thinking about the insane thought of her being jealous of any girl that Lisa flirted with. She knew from experience what it was like having Lisa try to make her fall victim to her spell and wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy who happened to be Lisa herself.

A note flying onto her desk pulled Jennie from her train of thought. She opened up the folded sheet of paper to read:

You're missing your chance sexy xx

Jennie looked over her shoulder and glared at Lisa who gave her a flirtatious wink.

"Fuck you," Jennie whispered loud enough for the two of them to hear. She immediately scolded herself for saying it because it gave Lisa a chance to say...

"I always knew you wanted to."

Class with her blonde nuisance turned out to be the longest hour of her entire life and Jennie was just happy to be able to leave that class and go to lunch. She much rather would've preferred going home to sleep rest of the day away and start over but oh well.

"Hey," Jisoo greeted her as she took a seat at their regular lunch table. "How's it going?"

"Why do I have to be a magnet for fuck boys? I'm a good person." Jennie groaned and allowed her head to fall onto the table. "Fuck my life."

"It's okay," Rose reassured. "We've all had our share of fuck boy experiences."

"She's about to get another one," Jisoo stated.

Oh crap. Jennie didn't have to look up when a presence sat down beside her to know that it was Lisa. "I wouldn't lay my head on this table. Who knows what germs are on it."

"I don't need your advice," Jennie hissed. "You know what? Just go away."

"Come on, baby, don't--"

"No! You don't!" Jennie popped her head up finally feeling as if she had reached her breaking point. "Leave me alone! Why can't you get it through your thick skull that I don't like you? I don't want to date you, sleep with you, and I especially don't want to be around you. You're nothing but a fuck girl. So save yourself the time and just leave. Me. Alone."

Jennie felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. God knows how long she held that in. She looked at her friends expecting them to be proud for standing her ground only they weren't happy for her. They were to busy giving Lisa looks of sympathy. Jennie finally really paid attention to Lisa to see that she didn't have that same arrogance or cockiness that she always had. She didn't have any expression on her face. Her eyes on the other hand went from lively to shattered.

"Sorry for bothering you." Lisa stood up and pushed her chair in. "You don't have to worry about it anymore."

Jennie actually felt bad watching the other walk out of the lunch room which is the last thing she thought she'd feel after giving Lisa a piece of her mind.

"That was a bit harsh," Jisoo scolded.

"I didn't mean to blow up like that. It's just..." Why had she blown up like that? She had completely lost her cool without a valid reason. "I don't know."

Lisa hurried out of the lunch room to go to the restroom trying convince her burning eyes to not let any tears fall. Those were only words and words didn't affect Lisa. She didn't have time to let them affect her being the way that she was. She had to admit that they sure did hurt a lot more coming from Jennie though.

Even with her reputation, she had still taken a liking to Jennie who she thought was nice one point in time. Nice to pretty, pretty to smart, smart to amazing, amazing to she had developed a crush on the girl.

And all she was to her was a fuck girl.

Lisa knew that it was partly her fault for flirting with Jennie all the time in the first place, although she only did that because she didn't know what to say without being the cool, attractive Lisa that she was known as.

"I'm such an idiot," Lisa groaned.

In her head, she was stuck in a dilemma. She could change herself and become someone that Jennie could actually tolerate for a change, or she could stay true to herself and give Jennie the space that she was craving. After extensive thinking Lisa reached a conclusion.

She was going to have to let Jennie go.

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