10. I Pick... (Final Chapter)

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*Third Person POV*

Jennie and Rose stood side by side outside of their school waiting for Lisa to arrive with their answer even though they had some things that they wanted to share first. Of course Jisoo stood near by because she wanted to support her friends.  That and she was nosy.

Lisa finally approached the two of them as confident as ever even though her eyes said that she was nervous. Jennie looked down at her watch that read 7:30. Right on time.

"Good morning," Lisa greeted.

"Good morning," Jennie and Rose chorused.

"I made me decision. I pick--"


An out of breath Taehyung ran over to the group followed by an equally exhausted Mingyu and Yoongi. Wonwoo, Seungcheol, Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon simply walked behind them but kept up with their pace.

Taehyung clutched his chest trying to get some air into his lungs. "Oh my god.  This is why I don't run."

"What are you doing here," Jennie asked.

"The same reason... you are," Taehyung breathed out. "I wanted...to know who...she picked."

Rose frowned. "So why'd you bring them?"

"We had nothing better to do," Yoongi shrugged.

"Okay." Taehyung took a deep breath. "You may proceed."

"Like I was saying. I pick..."

"Before you pick we have something to say," Rose interrupted. "We've thought about it and we made a decision to." Rose intertwined her fingers with Jennie's. "I pick Jennie."

"And I pick Rose," Jennie declared.

"What," Mingyu exclaimed in surprise.

"This is like a k-drama," Seungcheol whispered to Wonwoo.

"Wait a minute so all of that hell you gave each other and you picked each other?" Jisoo looked as if someone told her they kicked her dog. "Do you know many hours I spent listening to you bicker and complain?"

"You guys are so cute," Taehyung cooed.

"How did that even happen," Yoongi questioned.

"Well," Rose began.

"Kind of," I admitted.  "But I'll get over it. We'll just have to see what she says tomorrow."

"Can I tell you one more thing?"

Before Jennie had a chance to reply, Rose leaned in and kissed her. She was taken aback at first then she thought that Rose had really soft lips and found herself kissing her back.

Rose was the first to pull away to stare in Jennie's eyes. "The reason I stopped liking Jisoo was because I started liking you, but you were always worried about Lisa. So I thought that maybe if I dated Lisa, she would forget about you, I'd break up with her and then we could be together. I never thought I would actually like her and I especially didn't think you would either."

"Why didn't you just tell me that you liked me?"

"Because I didn't think that you'd like me back. Do you like back?"

Jennie thought about it for a moment then pulled Rose in for another kiss.

"So yes," Rose asked.

Jennie giggled. "Yes."

"We aren't official or anything but we have a date soon." Jennie smiled at Rose. "Maybe then things will be more official."

Lisa didn't even know how to respond.  She was more focused on the fact that she had been dumped twice and then the girls who dumped her actually ended up being together.

"Lisa?" Jennie waved her hand in front of the girl's glazed over eyes. "Lisa?"

Everyone stood there unsure of what to do.

"Well we're going to go now," Rose announced. "Come on, babe." Rose began to pull Jennie towards the school when she suddenly grinned and looked back at Lisa. "Don't you just love how much of a bitch karma is?"

With that she left feeling victorious. Jisoo hurried after them, "How come you two didn't want to go out with me? I'm likable."

"I like your outfit," Taehyung complimented Wonwoo.

"Thank you," Wonwoo beamed.

"Want to grab breakfast," Taehyung asked. "I know a place that serves awesome pancakes."


Taehyung linked his arm with Wonwoo's and led him down the sidewalk. Mingyu only stood there unsure of what had just happened.

"That's your future," Yoongi whispered in his ear, nodding towards Lisa. He wrapped his arm around Jimin. "We're going with the alien."

Lisa snapped herself out of her trance feeling defeated and a bit...heartbroken? That couldn't be right. She broke hearts, she didn't get hers broken. At least that's what she thought. Rose was right.

Karma's a bitch.

That's the end. I didn't want it to be a long story just something short and enjoyable. Thanks for all the reads, ratings, and comments. You guys are amazing and have actually inspired me to write more except I want the next book I write to be longer. Thanks again!!! xx

-Lily <3 xoxo

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