Chapter 1: Remember the Time

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It's a Tuesday evening, and Michael is pacing upstairs in his bedroom thinking about Diamond coming into town, Michael never told Lisa or the kids about Diamond, so he's worried. Lisa and the kids are downstairs watching TV. He never told them because Lisa would get mad if she knew Diamond is an ex-girlfriend.

Lisa can hear Michael pacing upstairs, so she and the kids go upstairs to check on him. "Daddy!" The children exclaim running to their father. Michael turns around to see Lisa, Paris, and Prince. "Hey kids." Michael says kneeling down to hug his children. "Michael, are you okay?" Lisa asks Michael concerned. "I'm fine, why do you ask?" Michael asks curious. "I could hear you pacing from all the way downstairs!" Lisa reminds Michael. "Oh, well I was just thinking that's all." Michael lies. "About what?" Lisa asks nosy. "Do you have to know everything, woman!?" Michael yells in annoyance. Lisa is shocked because Michael doesn't usually yell. She takes the kids back downstairs. "Mommy, I wanna be with daddy." Paris says. "Me too!" Prince agrees. "Kids, daddy needs some time to himself, okay?" Lisa tells the kids. "Okay." The kids say.

About an hour later it's dinner time. The family is ready to eat, including Michael. Just when he sits down, Michael looks at his watch and it's time to get Diamond from the airport. "Sorry, honey. I have to go. I'm meeting a friend." Michael fibs. "Who?" Lisa asks. "One from high school, they'll be coming over." Michael tells Lisa as puts on his jacket. Michael leaves the house before Lisa could say goodbye. "Mommy, where's daddy going?" Prince asks. "To meet a friend." Lisa tells Prince. "Kids, I think we'll be having company tonight." Lisa tells the kids.

When Michael picks up Diamond from the airport, on the way back to Neverland Ranch, they laugh the whole way back. "So I got my outfit last minute and I ask the outfit coordinator, 'What's this?' and he said, 'Your outfit', and I said 'Michael Jackson would never!'" Diamond tells Michael a funny story about what happened during her modeling adventure. They crack up laughing. "You're going to love Neverland, I have a big house, and zoo animals, and carnival rides, you'll love it!" Michael promises Diamond. "Sounds incredible!" Diamond says touching Michael's hand. Michael smiles because she is holding his hand. It brings him back to high school.

They arrive at Neverland. They get out of the limo and walk into Michael's mansion. "Wow, Michael! This is beautiful!" Diamond says complimenting Michael's mansion. "Thank you." Michael says. Lisa and the kids are in kitchen. Lisa is cleaning up and the kids are coloring. "Oh, Diamond, this is my family. My wife Lisa," Michael introduces his family. "Hi, I'm Lisa, daughter of Elvis." Lisa brags of jealousy shaking Diamond's hand. "and my kids, Prince and Paris." Michael says. "Aww, they're adorable!" Diamond says complimenting Michael's children. The kids don't know who Diamond is so they run to their mother. Michael kneels down and tells the kids, "No, no, kids, it's okay! She's a friend of daddy's, can you say hi?" "Hi lady." The kids say at the same time. "Hi." Diamond says.

Michael gets back up and tells Diamond, "Let me show you to your room." The two walk upstairs to the beautiful guest bedroom. "Diamond I have to talk to you about something." Michael confesses. "What is it, Michael?" Diamond asks as she puts her jacket on the bed. "Well I know I'm married and all, but, I've missed you! I mean, it's been 18 years why wouldn't I miss you?" Michael explains confessing his feelings. "Michael...I don't know what to say. I've missed you too, but, you're married and I can't get in the way of that." Diamond explains. "I understand, but please never leave me for that long again!" Michael says holding Diamond's arms. "I won't. I promise!" Diamond says smiling.

Michael starts tapping his foot on the floor. "Oh no, Michael, please don't." Diamond begs. "Don't what?" Michael asks not realizing he's tapping his foot. "You're tapping your foot, I know what that means." Diamond hints. "Is tapping my foot so bad?" Michael asks joking. "Michael, don't you remember? When we were dating you always tapped your foot and that meant you were going to sing." Diamond explains. Michael giggles, which is the start of his song, "Remember the Time". Which he sings to Diamond.

"Do you remember when we fell in love? We were young and innocent then..." Michael sings while Diamond smiles. "Do you it all began? It seemed like heaven so why did it end?" Michael sings stroking Diamond's hair. Michael sings the whole song to Diamond, then they kiss.

Diamond lightly pushes Michael away and says, "Michael, this isn't right. I love the song, and I love you, but you're married. Lisa would kill me if she found out about this!" Diamond explains scared of Lisa. "Don't let Lisa get in your head, she's harmless, really!" Michael promises. "I can't stay long, I saw the look on her face when I walked through the door." Diamond admits. "You don't have to stay long, just never leave me for that long again!" Michael begs holding Diamond's arms. "I promise, I never will again. And if I do, you're coming with me!" Diamond says gladly. Michael looks into Diamond's eyes and smiles, then he kisses her

"Kids, can you do mommy a really big favor?" Lisa asks the Prince and Paris kneeling down. "Sure, mommy." They say. "Okay! So while that lady is here, I want you to keep her away from daddy, can you do that?" Lisa asks the kids. "Okay, mommy." The kids agree to do it. Prince and Paris aren't bad kids, they just want to make their mother happy :).

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