Chapter 6: The Surprise

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It is a week later and it's the night of the concert. Michael is going to preform his songs: Remember The Time, Dangerous, Give Into Me, and Dirty Diana. The concert will be on Live TV...and singing isn't the only great thing Michael will do... :).

That afternoon, Michael walked into the living room and heard Diamond yelling on the phone. He is dressed for the day. He's wearing a white tank top, denim jacket, black jeans, and black boots. Diamond was yelling at her fiancee, Andre. Diamond is wearing an off-the-shoulder black dress that goes to her mid-thigh with black heels.

Phone convo:

Diamond: "Why can't you just be happy for me!?"

Andre: "I don't need you dancing with an ex-boyfriend when you're engaged!"

Diamond: "Well I don't need you male modeling with beautiful French chicks by your side!" (He is now in France and not Hong Kong).

Andre: "It's part of my job!"

Diamond: "Well dancing is part of my job!"

Andre: "But you're with an ex-boyfriend! That's different!"

Diamond: "Well at least I know him well enough that he won't hit on me! Unlike some French girls!"

Andre: "You're just jealous!"

Diamond: "What could I be jealous of?"

Andre: "You're just jealous that I'm surrounded by beautiful women and you were stuck with one man for Senior year of high school and never saw him again until 18 years later!"

Diamond: "I can't even stand to be on the phone with you! This engagement is over! Find a French girl to replace me with!"

Diamond angrily ends the call.

"Trouble in paradise?" Michael asks Diamond smirking and holding a glass with soda and ice in it. "How long have you been standing there?" Diamond asks. "Well, since 'Why can't you just be happy for me!?'" Michael says mocking Diamond. They both laugh. "Sorry you had to hear all that." Diamond apologizes as she is walking over to Michael. "Nah, don't worry about it." Michael says relaxed.

"Michael, I don't know if I can dance tonight, I'm really sorry." Diamond confesses. "Why not?" Michael asks confused.  "Well, my engagement is off and I don't want to be distracted while performing, I'm really sorry." Diamond explains to Michael.  Michael tries to convince Diamond to preform. "What if after the concert, we go to a fun dance club? You know, like old times?" Michael suggests trying to get Diamond to preform. "First of all, that was after a rehearsal, and second of all, when we went I almost died!" Diamond reminds Michael with her arms crossed. "Oh, right. Well, we're adults now, we're not young and stupid teenagers, remember?" Michael reminds Diamond. "I guess you're right, but why do you want me to preform so bad?" Diamond asks Michael walking into the kitchen. Michael follows. "You made a commitment, Diamond. Didn't your parents always tell you that commitments can't be broken?" Michael says covering up the real reason why he wants Diamond in the concert. "(sigh) Yes." Diamond says. "Perfect, see you tonight at the concert." Michael says then walking up to his room.

In his bedroom, Michael realizes he still has never told Diamond about Diana and what happened 18 years ago. He paces around his room stressfully. Not only is Michael thinking about telling Diamond about Diana, but he is also thinking about Lisa. "We might not have had the best relationship, but I still love her. And technically, we are still married, and to get a divorce, I would have to fly all the way to Graceland which is in Tennessee, and it takes about 6 months to finalize. And if it takes that long, I have to call off the whole engagement surprise to Diamond. Ugh! When did being a celebrity get so hard!?" Michael says to himself stressed.

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