Chapter 3: Dirtier Diana

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A few nights later, it's around 11 p.m, and Lisa is on her way back from being out with friends, Prince and Paris are asleep. Michael is up late doing late-night work, writing late songs that are overdue to his record label.

Michael hears a knock at the door. He's confused why someone would come over so late. He walks downstairs in his pajamas and answers the door. It's Diana, that crazy groupie from his concert way back in 1987. Michael's eyes widen. "D-D-D..." Michael stutters. "Nice to see you too, Mike." Diana says walking into his house. Michael is mentally freaking out. "What are you doing here?" Michael asks nervously. "What? A girl can't ask an old friend to hang out late at night?" Diana asks. "Well, I guess we could hang out...wait no we can't!" Michael realizes. "And why is that?" Diana asks Michael. "Because! Back when we first met, you asked me if we could hang out and all you did was hold me hostage in a hotel room!" Michael reminds Diana. "Get over it, that was 18 years ago!" Diana tells Michael. "No, no, no! I don't trust you!" Michael confesses. "But don't you love me?" Diana asks walking slowly towards Michael. "No! I'm a married man, Diana!" Michael tells Diana. Diana rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, can we please hang out? All my friends are in jail." Diana begs. "Um...why are they in jail?" Michael asks concerned. "I can't say." Diana says. "(sigh) I guess, but only hanging out!" Michael says. "I promise!" Diana says. Michael runs upstairs to change. He changes into jeans, a white shirt, a black leather jacket, and black boots. Michael left a note for Lisa saying he left, and then they then leave and go to a dance club.

They went to a dance club called "Club Bomb". (Bomb meaning "cool" and not an actual bomb lol.) "This club is totally rad!" Diana tells Michael. "And don't worry, no one here knows who you are." Diana tells Michael. "Good." Michael says gladly.

They then start dancing. Michael believed that they would "just hang out", he could not have been more wrong.

After a few hours of dancing, Diana gets a little tired. "Michael, I better head home. I'm getting tired, but I hate sleeping alone, why don't you come home with me?" Diana asks Michael rubbing his arm. "Diana, my baby's at home, she's probably worried. And I never called her to say I'm alright." Michael explains. "I understand, how about you just come over and we talk, sound good?" Diana suggests. "Sounds good." Michael agrees falling for Diana's trap. They walk outside and get into Michael's limo.

They arrive at Diana's hotel and go up to her room. Michael takes off his jacket. Diana locked the hotel room door. Michael has a scared look on his face. Diana walks up to Michael and says, "I'm all yours tonight." Michael runs to the phone beside the bed and calls Lisa. "Pick up, pick up, pick up!" Michael whispers to himself. Lisa picks up!

Phone convo:

Lisa: "Hello?"

Michael: "Lisa! I'm just calling to tell you that I'm alright!"

Lisa: "Michael, where are you? It's almost 3 a.m!"

Michael: "Unlock the door I forgot the key!"

Diana runs to Michael and grabs the phone out of his hand and tells Lisa, "He's not coming back because he's sleeping with me!" Before Lisa answers Diana, Diana hangs up the phone.

Michael stands up off the floor and confidently tells Diana,"You'll never make me stay! I'll find away out, I can promise you that! I know your every move!" Diana walks up to Michael slowly and says, "That's okay, hey baby do what you please," Diana starts. "I'm not your baby!" Michael says angry. "Whether you are or not, just know that I have the stuff that you want and I am the thing that you need!" Diana whispers into his ear. She starts rubbing his arm and then whispers, "You had your chance, Michael, but now there's no turnin' back!" Michael is now even more scared.

Michael drops to his knees and puts his hands together as if he's going to pray. "Diana, please! Let me be!" Michael begs.  "Hey baby do what you want," Diana says. "I'll be your night lovin' thing, I'll be the freak you can taunt," Diana suggests. "And I don't care what you say, I want to go too far!" Diana pulls Michael back up from the floor by his shirt. She pulls him close and says, "I'll be your everything, if you make me a star!" She whispers.

It's now almost 4 a.m. "Diana, let's make a deal. How about tonight you let me go, and tomorrow, you go see a therapist? Okay? Sound good? Okay, goodbye!" Michael says not letting Diana answer and walking to the door with his jacket. Diana blocks the door. Diana blocks the door and without realizing it, Michael is kissing Diana!! O.O Michael isn't hating it...O.O He puts his hands on her cheeks. Diana has her hands on his hips, but secretly steals his wallet out of the back of his pocket. Diana pushes him away, opens the door and says, "Okay, you can go." "What? You were just begging me to stay!" Michael realizes. "Well maybe again in the next 18 years, bye Michael!" Diana says quickly then closing the door on Michael.

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