Chapter 5: Mommy

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The next morning, Michael and the kids wake up around 9 a.m. As usual, Michael makes the kids a bowl of cereal for each of them and then checks the messages on the home phone. He puts the phone up to his ear, he has a message from Lisa. The message is: "Hi Michael, it pains me to tell you this, but, I--I'm not coming back. I just don't think I can trust you with you around all these women. I still love you, just not as much as I used to. Tell the kids I love them, and that I'm always thinking about them. I'm going back to Graceland. I love you all, Lisa." Michael tears up.

"What's wrong, daddy?" Paris asks. Michael kneels down to the kids. "Kids, when I tell you this, just know, it's okay to cry. It's okay to scream. It's okay to throw a fit." Michael tells the kids. Michael wipes his tears and tells the kids, "Kids, mommy isn't coming back." "Yes she is, you told us she would." Prince says. "Did you lie?" Paris asks. "No, I didn't lie...things just...changed, that's all." Michael explains to Paris. "But mommy wants you to know that she loves you both very, very much, and she is always thinking about you. And she will never stop being your mommy. And she will never stop loving you!" Michael tells the kids holding their hands. The kids have sad looks on their faces, they start to cry. Michael and the kids share a group hug and cry.

"But kids, this doesn't have to a bad thing. There are some good things about mommy being gone. For example, you get more time with me, you get to know everything that's going on..Oh! You get to come with me to concerts and song recordings! Doesn't that sound great?" Michael explains. The kids smile. Michael smiles at his children.

Michael walks to his office and writes a song about Lisa leaving. Michael gets out his music notebook and writes his lyrics.

[SONG: ]

"Done!" Michael yells in excitement as he stands up from his desk. His kids run into his office. "What are you done with daddy?" Paris asks. "My new song," Michael says picking up his kids. "When your mother hears this song, she is going to regret leaving us!" Michael promises. "Is that good?" Prince asks. "Prince, it's wonderful!" Michael says excitedly. Michael spins around holding his kids and they giggle :).

"Kids, go get dressed, we're going to hang out with an old friend of daddy's, okay?" Michael tells the kids. "Okay daddy!" The kids say at the same time. The kids go upstairs and get dressed. Michael goes upstairs and gets dressed too.

Michael is wearing a white business shirt with a a black tie, a black blazer, black pants and a belt, black boots, and a black fedora with black sunglasses, and his hair is in a ponytail lying on his neck. Paris has a pretty light pink and white dress on with white socks and shiny buckle shoes. Her hair is in a ponytail and a bow. Prince is wearing a Chuck E. Cheese's shirt with overalls over it and red converse for kids. His hair is neat and smooth.

"Okay kids, put on your masks." Michael tells his kids. Michael makes his children wear masks so they are hidden to the public. (A/n: this is true!!). The kids put on their masks and they all head outside and get into the limo. The limo drives to a restaurant where they meet Diamond :).

They arrive at the restaurant. Diamond is already sitting at a table looking at a menu. "Diamond!" Michael hollers getting her attention. Michael wand the kids walk over to the table Diamond is sitting at. "Michael!" Diamond hollers in excitement. Michael and Diamond hug. "Hi Paris, hi Prince." Diamond says. "Hi." The kids say. Everyone sits down in the booth.

"You said you wanted to talk about something?" Diamond asks. "Yeah, look, Diamond...Lisa left us." Michael says sadly. "Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss!" Diamond says thinking Lisa is dead. "No, no, no, she's not dead! She really left. She went back to Graceland." Michael explained. "Oh, well I'm still really sorry!" Diamond says feeling sorry for Michael and holding his hand across the table. Mike has a flashback about the first time him and Diamond hold hands, which was the night Diamond broke up with Jermaine...for the 2nd time. "Michael? Hello?" Diamond says snapping in front of his face trying to get Michael's attention. "Oh, sorry." Michael says snapping out of his flashback.

"Diamond I have a confession." Michael says. Diamond's phone rings. "Sorry, hold that thought. I have to take this. It's my fiancee. He's all the way in Hong Kong." Diamond says. "Okay." Michael says. "What's wrong, daddy? Prince asks. "Prince, one day, when you're older, you'll understand love. Until then, good luck." Michael tells his son. "Okay." Prince says.

Diamond comes back to the table. "I'm back, sorry. What did you wanna tell me?" Diamond asks. "Oh, um, just that...I'm glad you're back in town." Michael lies. "I'm glad I'm back too. I haven't been to Los Angeles in years!" Diamond says, "Since high school actually, right before we started dating!" Diamond continues. They smile at each other. "Diamond, wanna come back to Neverland?" Michael suggests. "I'd love to." Diamond says smiling. The group gets up and walks outside to the limo and rives to Neverland.

They walk into the mansion and Diamond says with a smile, "Beautiful as ever!" "Thanks." Michael says. The kids run up to their rooms. When the kids are out of sight, Michael immediately pushes Diamond up against the kitchen counter and kisses her. He has his hands on her hips and her hands are on his face. Diamond pushes Michael away after 10 seconds. "Michael! What are you doing!?" Diamond asks in shock. "I'm sorry, I just--I just love you so much! I never stopped! Not even when Lisa was here! She never made me happy! You did!" Michael confesses his heart out. "Michael, we had something special, but I'm engaged!" Diamond reminds Michael.

"Diamond, I have a huge concert coming up next week, just like you did 18 years ago, will you be my dancer? Not a back-up one this time, the one who is front and center." Michael asks. "Michael, I'd love to be your dancer!" Diamond says gladly. Diamond wraps her arms around Michael's neck and hugs him.

The concert will be on live TV, and Michael has a huge surprise planned for Diamond :).

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