Chapter 4: Michael's Mistake

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Michael left the hotel and rides his limo home. Instead of going upstairs to sleep, he sleeps on the couch.

Lisa and the kids wake up around 9 a.m. and find Michael asleep on the couch. "Kids, daddy's sleeping, don't wake him up!" Lisa whispers to the kids. "Okay, mommy." The kids whisper back. "Diana..." Michael says in his sleep. Lisa hears and raises an eyebrow. "Hee-hee!" Michael does his famous "hee-hee" sound in his sleep. He only does that when he's happy or excited. "Michael!" Lisa yells waking up Michael quickly. "What?" He asks. "You were 'hee-heeing' in your sleep." Lisa tells Michael crossing her arms. "So? I got excited in a dream, is that so bad?" Michael asks. "Who's Diana?" Lisa asks with her arms crossed and answering Michael's question with a question. Michael bites his lip not wanting to tell Lisa the truth. "Don't bite your lip, you know it makes me less mad at you." Lisa reminds Michael. "Why do you think I'm doing it?" Michael asks smiling. They both giggle then share a short kiss.

"Look, baby, I'd love to eat, but I was out late last night and I really have to sleep." Michael explains to Lisa then giving her a kiss. He then kisses the kids' tops of their heads. Michael heads upstairs to sleep.

"Kids, do you think daddy still loves me?" Lisa asks the kids sadly after Michael is upstairs. "Of course, mommy!" Paris says. "He loves all of us!" Prince adds. Lisa smiles. "Thanks, kids." Lisa says. The kids finish their breakfast and Lisa turns on the TV for them and then she goes upstairs.

She hears Michael talking on the phone, instead of sleeping. She stands at the closed bedroom door. "Haha, you're funny." Michael says on the phone. "Lisa doesn't have to know, this is between you and me." He says. Lisa walks in like she didn't hear anything. "Hi, honey." She says with a smile. "Sleep well?" She asks walking towards him on the bed. "I'll talk to you later." Michael tells the person on the phone. "Who was that?" Lisa asks. "Oh, no one, just my manager. Sometimes he just doesn't shut up!" Michael and Lisa laugh. "So, tell me, what is it I don't have to know?" Lisa asks smiling and smoothing out Michael's shirt. "It's a surprise, I can't tell you or else it wouldn't be special!" Michael explains to Lisa lying. "Okay, honey." Lisa says.

Michael looks at the time on his watch. "Sorry honey, gotta go. I have a meeting." Michael says then kissing Lisa on the cheek. "Michael, don't you have to change? You've been dressed like that for hours!" Lisa reminds Michael. "Oh, right." Michael says. Michael goes into his walk-in closet and quickly changes into a suit. "Bye, honey." Michael says leaving the bedroom. He says bye to the kids when he gets downstairs.

Michael leaves the house and meets Diana at a restaurant. "Diana, we need to talk." He says. "About what, baby?" Diana asks. "Diana, once again, I'm not your baby." Michael reminds Diana. "Anyway, we can't see each other." Michael confesses to Diana. "But that kiss--" Diana says getting cut off by Michael. "That kiss...was a one time thing. It can't happen again." Michael tells Diana. "But Michael, couldn't you feel the chemistry between us when it happened?" Diana asks Michael. "Yes, there was a spark, but, I'm a married man, I have two kids, Diana!" Michael reminds Diana. "Tell you what, my brothers are single, date one of them." Michael suggests to Diana giving her his brothers' numbers and standing up from the chair. Diana stands up and grabs his arm and says, "But Michael, I don't love your brother, I love you!" Diana confesses to Michael. Michael has a flashback from when he first started dating Diamond. She said, "Jermaine is sweet, but, I don't love him, I love you." "I--I have to think about it." Michael tells Diana pulling his arm away. He walks to his limo and gets inside and then it drives away. Without knowing it, Diana follows him.

Michael arrives at his mansion and walks in and goes straight upstairs. He takes off his tie, blazer, and shoes then throws them onto the floor, which is very unlike Michael. He then falls backwards onto the bed. "Lisa!! Lisa!! Lisa!!" Michael hollers. Lisa walks upstairs and into the bedroom. "Honey, what's wrong?" Lisa asks her husband walking to the bed. "I want cake." He says depressed. "You called me up here because you want cake?" Lisa asks. "Dammit, woman, just get me cake!" Michael demands with sass. "We don't have any." Lisa tells Michael. "Well check!" Michael demands. "Fine, I'll check!" Lisa says rolling her eyes. Lisa goes downstairs to check for cake. "Honey, there's no cake!" Lisa hollers to Michael. "Ughhh!" Michael groans.

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