Chaoter 8: The Grammys

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A few hours later, Lisa, Diamond, Michael and the kids arrive at the Grammys, where he was given the honor to present an award, Diamond being in another car separate from Michael's and Lisa's limo with the kids.

Little does Michael know, Diana is front and center of the audience waiting for him.

Michael keeps all the women away from each other. As Lisa, Michael, and the kids walk down the red carpet, cameras are flashing and they are getting interviewed.

After being interviewed, the family heads inside and goes backstage.

"C'mon Lisa, it's time for me to announce the award!" Michael says. "Wait, who's gonna watch the kids?" Lisa asks. "Can we get a babysitter over here?" Thanks!" Michael yells. A security guard comes and watches the children.

"Presenting the Actress of the Year award, Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley!" The announcer says on the speaker for everyone to hear. Michael and Lisa walk out on stage holding hands to announce he winner of the award.

"Hello everybody, I hope your all having a great night so far!" Michael starts off his speech into the microphone in front of him. "But, before I announce the winner of the award, I'll be right back..." Michael says mysteriously walking backstage.

Michael walks back out onto the stage with Diamond, holding her hand. He is also holding Paris in one arm and Diamond is holding Prince's hand as he walks beside her. "Michael? What's going on?" Lisa asks confused. "Lisa, I would just like to say, I never loved you. Well, not as much as this beautiful woman next to me!" Michael says talking about Diamond and gripping her waist. "And guess what? I proposed! We're engaged!" Michael announces. "No you're not! We're married!" Lisa says a bit angered. "Oh, that's the thing, the divorce papers are on the table backstage so feel free to sign those." Michael announces embarrassing Lisa. Everyone in the audience gasps. "Oh, and Diana, according to the law, you are not allowed to be within one hundred-eighty feet near me!" Michael tells Diana who is sitting in the front row. "I love you all!" Michael announces. "Except you Lisa, and you too, Diana!" Michael says for the final time. Diamond, Michael, Prince, and Paris walk backstage gladly. Lisa is left alone on the stage utterly embarrassed and angry.

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