Chapter 2: Revenge

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A few days later after Diamond came, Michael and Diamond are out riding horses. The kids have their own little ponies, so they follow them. "Hi daddy!" Prince says. Michael looks down to his right and sees Prince and Paris on their ponies. "Hey, kids." He says. "We're riding our horses, daddy." Paris tells her father. "I can see that, so are we!" Michael tells his daughter. "Daddy, I'm having a tea party later with my friends (stuffed animals), can you help me pick out a dress?" Paris asks her father cutely. "Of course, Paris!" Michael agrees to help his daughter. Paris gets off her pony and says, "Okay, let's go!" Michael gets off his horse and Paris grabs his hand and makes him follow him to her room.

"Daddy, I'm tired!" Paris says changing her mind. Prince walks in. "Me too!" Prince agrees. "Paris, you just said you needed help with an outfit!" Michael points out. "Well now I'm tired!" Paris reminds her father. "Okay, you want me to tell you guys a story?" Michael asks the kids. "Yeah!" The kids exclaim. "Can we sleep in your room, daddy?" Prince asks. "Why do you wanna sleep in my room?" Michael asks his son. "Because it's comfier." Paris explains. "Fine." Michael says. He walks the kids to his bedroom.

They all lie on the bed. "Tell us a story." Paris asks her dad. "What story?" Michael asks. "The one you always tell us." Prince suggests. "Okay." Michael says. "Once upon a time, there was pretty princess named Lisa, and a handsome prince named Michael." Michael starts off the story. "And one day, the fell in love." Michael says. "Ow!" Prince exclaims. "No, Prince, they didn't actually fall." Michael giggles explaining to Prince. "Oh, ok." Prince says. "So anyway, they fell in love and they had a family. They had two kids, Paris and Prince." Michael continues. "Those are our names!" Paris realizes. "I know." Michael smiles. "Daddy, where do babies come from?" Prince asks. Michael's eyes widen. ", okay kids go to sleep!" Michael quickly gets up from the bed. "Cool, we came from space!" Prince says believing Michael. "Yep! Okay sweet dreams!" Michael says quickly closing the door.

After about an hour, Paris and Prince walk downstairs. "So, Michael, I was wondering if you could show me around LA? I just figured since you know it so well, you could show me?" Diamond asks. "Diamond, I'd love to show you around, let's go now." Michael says standing up from the chair.

They grab their coats and Michael grabs his fedora and sunglasses. "Daddy, can we go too?" Paris asks. Michael kneels down to Paris and says, "Paris, Los Angeles is a big city, I can't risk losing you, do you understand?" Michael explains to his daughter. Paris is sad now. "Okay, daddy." Paris says sadly walking to her mother. "What about me, daddy?" Prince asks. "Prince, it wouldn't be fair if I let you come with me, and not Paris, would it?" Michael explains to his son. "No." Prince says sadly walking to his mother. Michael and Diamond walk outside to the limo, get in it, then leave.

"It's okay, kids. We can go around city following daddy, okay? But don't tell him!" Lisa tells the kids kneeling down to them. "Okay!" The kids say. "Okay, go and get your coats!" Lisa tells the kids. The kids run upstairs to get their coats. Lisa puts hers on. The kids come back down with their coats on and get in the car and follow Michael.

Lisa sees Michael and Diamond go into a Starbucks. Luckily, they (Lisa and the kids) have sunglasses, so they can go inside without being recognized. Lisa sees Diamond and Michael holding hands at a table. Lisa and the kids pass by their table and Lisa pulls Diamond's hair then leaves with the kids. "Hey!" Michael yells. Lisa ignores him and drives away. "Who was that?" Diamond asks Michael fixing her hair. "I have no idea." Michael says. Michael and Diamond get in the limo and go back to Neverland Ranch.

When Lisa and the kids get home, the kids start  throwing Michael's clothes around the room and making a mess, and Lisa is tearing stuff and breaking things. "Honey, we're home!" Michael hollers entering the house. Michael hears things breaking and runs upstairs.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Michael asks in total shock. "Mommy told us to throw things." Prince says. "Kids stop! Lisa stop!" Michael commands. "You can tell them to stop, but you're no longer the boss of me you cheating dog!" Lisa insults Michael angered. "I never cheated on you!" Michael corrects Lisa. "Oh, really? Then why were you holding hands with Diamond at Starbucks today, huh? Explain that!" Lisa says catching Michael. "She got her nails done! I was looking at them!" Michael explains.

Diamond runs upstairs. "What's going on?" She asks in shock. "You!" Lisa says under her breath. Lisa runs to Diamond about to attack her, but Michael grabs her before she could reach Diamond. Prince and Paris are standing there confused. "Daddy, what's going on?" Paris asks. "Kids, go to your room. This is an adult problem, okay?" Michael tells the kids. The kids run to their room. "I want you out of this house, now!" Lisa demands Diamond. "Why would I leave?" Diamond asks Lisa. "You're breaking mine and my husband's marriage!" Lisa explains. "Lisa, I'm not doing anything! You're breaking it up!" Diamond says walking away.

Everyone is now downstairs, except the kids. "Don't disrespect me in my own house!" Lisa demands. "Technically, it's Michael's house." Diamond corrects Lisa. "Urrghh!" Lisa groans following Diamond. "I don't need my children around women like you!" Lisa tells Diamond. "If anything, your children shouldn't be around you! Your only using them for your own good!" Diamond fires. "What would I possibly use them for?" Lisa asks crossing her arms. "Lisa, I know your using them to keep Michael away from me!" Diamond says exposing Lisa. Lisa gasps. Michael is shocked. "Lisa, is that true?" Michael asks. "...Yes, Michael it's true, but I'm sorry!" Lisa apologizes walking towards Michael. Michael runs upstairs to the master bedroom.

He throws Lisa's clothes out the bedroom window. "Michael, please forgive me! I'm sorry!" Lisa begs. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I trusted you!" Michael yells. "Michael, I love you! We can't let some silly little thing break up our marriage!" Lisa says. "You think it's 'some silly little thing'? It's not, Lisa! I trusted you, and I thought you trusted me!" Michael argues. "Michael, I do trust you! I was just...jealous." Lisa confesses. "You were jealous?" Michael asks confused. Lisa nods. "You're never jealous! How could you possibly be jealous?" Michael asks. Lisa walks closer to Michael. "I was jealous of Diamond. She's beautiful, kind, NOT guys were perfect for each other in high school! I ruined everything." Lisa confesses. Michael puts his hands on Lisa's cheeks and says, "Lisa, you ruined nothing! I love you! Why would I marry someone I don't love? Why would I have kids with someone I don't love?" Michael asks Lisa making a point. "You're right, I'm sorry. I love you Michael." Lisa apologizes. They share a kiss.

After the kiss, Lisa and Michael walk downstairs.

In the kitchen, Michael sees a note from Diamond on the kitchen counter. It says:

Dear Michael,

I had to leave. I had to leave somewhere I'm not wanted. Thank you for your invitation for me to stay, but I had to leave. I'm at the Hilton hotel if you want to see me.

D. Banks

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