Chapter 7: Ladies' Man

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After the concert, Michael, Diamond and the kids are back to Neverland. It's around 10:30 p.m. The kids run upstairs and go to bed.

"Michael, I can't believe you did that!" Diamond says smiling with her hands on his cheeks. Michael smiles. "It's the best decision I've ever made, Diamond." Michael says looking into Diamond's brown eyes. The two then kiss.

"Well, I have to get going." Diamond says grabbing her purse. "Where are you going? We're engaged now. You live here." Michael reminds Diamond. "Says who?" Diamond asks with her arms crossed. "Well, who wouldn't want to live here?" Michael says with his arms out to the side. Diamond giggles. "Michael, I really have to go." Diamond says slowly walking up to Michael. Diamond walks to the door soon after. Michael follows and then looks at Diamond and bites his lip. "Don't even try that on me." Diamond giggles holding the door knob. "C'mon that works on every woman!" Michael reminds Diamond.

"Michael, I really have to go!" Diamond reminds him. "Fine, but can you do me a favor?" Michael asks. "Sure, what is it?" Diamond asks. "The kids don't know, but, I'm going to Graceland tomorrow," Michael says. "What!? Why!?" Diamond asks in shock. "Lisa and I never got a divorce, so we're technically still married..." Michael says nervously thinking Diamond will get mad. "WHAT!?" Diamond says in shock. "You're telling me you proposed to me on Live TV while you were still married!?" Diamond asks angrily at Michael. Michael nods. "Ugh! You're such a player, Mike! Those 18 years really changed you, huh?" Diamond insults Michael. "Baby, I'm sorry! But what if I had to wait another 18 years? Or maybe never even see you again? I love you and only you!" Michael apologizes with his hands on Diamond's cheeks.

Diamond rolls her eyes. "What do you need me to do?" She asks. "Just watch them, that's it! But don't tell them where I went! If they ask, say I have meetings or something!" Michael explains to Diamond. "Fine." Diamond says. "Baby, thank you so much!" Michael says then giving Diamond lots of kisses. Diamond smiles and then leaves.

The next morning, Michael gets up really early, around 5:30, and gets ready to go to the airport. After he is ready, he sneaks into his kids' room and gives them kisses on their heads. He then runs downstairs, makes coffee and heads to the airport. Luckily, right when he was about to leave, Diamond arrived. "Baby, thanks again for helping me out." Michael tells Diamond. "Anytime." Diamond replies. Diamond walks into Neverland and hangs out by herself.

After Michael arrives at the airport and goes through security, he is immediately attacked by fangirls. They say things like, "Michael! I love you!", "Michael! Can I have an autograph?", and other fangirl things. "Ladies, I'd love to chat, but I have to catch my plane, sorry." Michael tells them running away. The fangirls run after him but luckily Michael gets on the plane before they can catch him, he obviously sits first class.

Michael finally arrives in Memphis, Tennessee. He takes a limo to Graceland, where Lisa is.

He arrives at Graceland and knocks on the door. Lisa answers. "Michael?---Michael!" Lisa exclaims giving Michael a big hug. Michael lightly pushes her away. "Lisa, we need to talk." Michael says seriously. "Okay, come in." Lisa says politely. Michael walks in.

They sit on the couch together. "Michael, before you tell me, I have a confession." Lisa says holding Michael's hands. "I'm sorry for what I said over the phone, please take me back! I miss the kids! I miss you!" Lisa confesses looking into Michael's gorgeous brown eyes. Michael is speechless. "Lisa, I have to be honest. I can't take you back!" Michael says confidently. "What? Why not? You're are you? Because, we're married, and that would be cheating!" Lisa explains upset.

Michael gets an idea and then stands up from the couch. "Did I say I can't take you back? I meant I love you and the kids miss you!" Michael lies. Lisa stands up and says, "Michael, I'm so glad to hear that! Let's go back to LA together!" then hugs Michael tightly.

She runs upstairs to pack her clothes then comes back downstairs when she is done. "Okay! Let's go!" Lisa says grabbing Michael's hands. Lisa drags Michael outside and they get into the limo.

The next morning, at about 8:30 a.m, Lisa and Michael arrive at Neverland. Diamond is in the kitchen making a salad and she looks out the window and sees Lisa and Michael getting out of the limo. Diamond still didn't leave because Michael never gave her a heads up. She quickly hides in the pantry and shuts the door.

Michael and Lisa walk in. "I've missed this place! I've only been gone a month but I've missed everything about this place! Especially you and the kids!" Lisa tells Michael as she looks up at the ceiling and to the sides of her looking around. "Neverland missed you too..." Michael says with a fake smile.

The kids run downstairs. "Mommy!" They exclaim at the same time running to give their mother a hug. Lisa kneels down and hugs them. "Hello?" Michael says with arms open for a hug. The kids hug him too.

Diamond tries to quietly sneak out of the pantry but Lisa stands up from kneeling and Diamond quickly ducks and is behind the counter. "I'm gonna go get a snack." Michael says walking to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he looks down and sees Diamond. He quickly kneels down to her. "What are you doing here!? You should be gone by now!" He whispers to Diamond shocked. "I'm not the one who never warned anybody about when you were coming back!" Diamond whispers. "Look, just try to go, I'll distract Lisa and the kids." Michael tells Diamond. "Mike, are you okay?" Lisa asks Michael confused who he is talking to. "Yeah, hun, I'm fine, a contact just fell out." Michael says. "You don't wear contacts..." Lisa says confused. "How do you know? You've been gone the past month!" Michael fires back at Lisa without thinking.

Michael walks away from Diamond and walks back over to Lisa and the kids. "Honey, why don't you and the kids go upstairs, okay?" Michael suggests to Lisa putting his hands on her shoulders. Lisa nods and takes the kids upstairs.

After they are out of sight, Michael turns to Diamond rotating nothing but his feet and then walks into the kitchen. Michael starts running after Diamond. But before he could catch her, the doorbell rings. Michael walks to the door and opens it. It's Diana. "Diana, what do you want?" Michael asks her with an attitude. "You haven't called me in 3 weeks!" Diana says crossing her arms and walking into his mansion. "Come on in." Michael says sarcastically. "I've missed you, can you make it up to me?" Diana asks Michael hugging him and looking into his beautiful brown eyes. "Diana, I'm sorry, I've been busy, how could I make it up to you?" Michael asks. Diana takes his hand and walks towards the staircase. "Uh...let's go on a walk. We need fresh air." Michael says covering up that Lisa and the kids are upstairs. "Why would we need fresh air?" Diana asks getting closer to Michael and rubbing his arms. "To breathe...hello!" Michael says nervously. He grabs Diana's hand and then walks outside.

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