Operation Leader Retrieval (OLR) : Phase One

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The arrival of Sammel had been greatly advantageous to the family. His skills were rather exceptional. Paul saw no way of training that would make one as strong as Sam. Without a weapon, his prowess was greater than that of an average human, but when he held a sword (any sword), his physical abilities increased tenfold. His speed would be increased to the point where only Paul (with his keen sight) could track him.

There is definitely some mystery to his prowess, wondered Paul. Perhaps it is the Ralicana blood that makes him so powerful with a sword.

Sam would help with hunting, chopping wood, healing injuries caused by wild animals or minor battles with the bandits. He would also help with healing the wounds caused by the attempts by the Sabers to destroy their base (the L.E.). The family made sure that the arrival of Sam to the family be kept a mystery from the Sabers, as Joeret had requested it for her strategy.

His medicines were extremely effective and he had learned all about the bodies of the mutants. Joeret had volunteered to let Sam operate on her and learn of the internal organs and their functioning of the mutant body.

According to Joeret, although the shapes and sizes of the mutants differ, their internal functioning is similar (except the bodies of immortal mutants). The only difference that Sam found in the various mutants was a special chemical in their blood (he had asked for everyone to give him a sample of their bloods), which he had termed 'Frelon.' He cooked up the term by combining mutaforgian words 'Fre', the common term for mutations (derived from Frelofatia) and 'lonas', which was mutaforgian for 'type' .

He classified the Frelon into various categories, claiming they were similar to blood types of humans. With slight changes to the components in the different types of Frelon, a mutant receives their powers. This theory of his was reinforced when Joeret informed him of the several cases where two mutants shared similar Fre.

He classified them as Crelonas (the Creation type), such as that of Seeran's where he grew or created plants. When he was told of Creator's powers, he claimed his powers as the ultimate creation type.

Some of the other types included Conlonas (in which one could control their physical state, such as that of Joeret's and G.T.'s ) and Strelonas (in which one had increased physical abilities such as that of Felice's).

Joeret had made a strategy with as little mistakes and holes as possible, thanks to the arrival of Sam. On a calm spring morning, a month before their final day of saving Creator, they gathered as she explained her strategy to all. The chirping of the birds, the gentle and warm breezes making the leaves and bushes rustle caught Paul's attention.

"Such a beautiful day, " he said in a gloomy tone, "and yet we talk of battling. I suppose the time calls for it but I would prefer living a happy and carefree life with a family on such a day."

Joeret smiled kindly and began explaining her strategy, which she had named Operation Leader Retrieval or OLR for short. It had two phases. The first phase involved her getting injured fatally, which the Sabers would not expect her to recover from for a few months and using this ignorance of theirs to their advantage.

"I object," said Paul. "I know I speak for all of us when I deny you permission to put your life in danger."

"This is a war, dear," she replied. "We will all be at the mercy of the Sabers if we do not have our leader with us. I needn't your permission to save the life of my family. If you have been living in a fantasy that we would all survive this battle despite seeing Roselle and Cree lose their lives, you are not required."

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