Chapter 21

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"You're breathtaking, Sadie" she repeated. "So" kiss "damned" kiss "beautiful" kiss.

After a few minutes they broke apart, "we'd better get going, the movie starts in 30 minutes" said Sadie. They grabbed their bags and walked to the movie theatre, it didn't take long, it was an old theatre and looked pretty run down and crappy from the outside, but inside it had been modernised and served all the snacks and drinks a carb craving teen could want.

"I'm just going to the restroom, can you line up for snacks?" asked Millie.

"Yep, whadya want?"

"Oooooo, good question" said Millie, looking over the choices, "water, peanut M&Ms, mixed popcorn, nachos, aaaaaand hotdog..."

"Wow, don't you think that's a lot for us?"

", that's actually for me" said Millie, pulling a goofy embarrassed face. "What!?" she said in response to Sadie's shocked face, "I'm hungry." Sadie just burst out laughing as Millie shrugged, gave her two $20 bills, and walked off.

A minute later, she heard a voice dripping with disdain say "oh look who it is."

Looking around to find the owner of the voice, Sadie inwardly groaned to find herself face to face with Maddie, Grace, and their current mouthbreather boyfriends, not an IQ point between them Wow, she gets through them'd have thought she'd run out of meatheads by now...she thought...clearly attacking Millie wasn't enough for Jack to impress you, he must be pissed.

"Where're your friends? Too busy running after that screw up Millie I guess...should have stuck with us, Sadie. Now you'll never be popular" said Maddie, pretending like she cared.

Bitch...two can play at this game "Actually, I am here with a friend. So...Maddie, how's your face now? You've covered the bruises well with make-up," Maddie bristled, "but it can't hide the ugly personality underneath."

Maddie was furious, "you little bitch!" She raised her hand and went to slap Sadie in the face, who flinched and braced herself for the impact, closing her eyes tight. When the contact didn't arrive, she opened them again to find that Millie had hold of Maddie's wrist just an inch away from her face, she was gripping it tight and looking at Maddie's face with a look of such fury.

Still holding Maddie's wrist, Millie said in a low voice "don't you fucking dare. I don't care what you and your fuckboys do to me, but if you touch her, or hurt her in any way, I will destroy you...stay away from her, do you understand me?"

Maddie looked genuinely scared and just nodded, clearly wanting to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Millie dropped her wrist, "it's our turn" she said softly, turning to Sadie and nodding towards the concessions desk. Giving Maddie one final look as she skulked away with her gang, Sadie turned and ordered the snacks.

"How are we going carry all this?" asked Sadie, "I mean, we're only gonna be in there for 2 hours, tops...why?"

"I can't help having a good appetite" smirked Millie, "and it's all in the stacking. Come on, let's go, I hate missing the trailers." They made their way inside, and managed to sit without dropping any of the food. Millie dug in, although she didn't really want it all for herself and made sure Sadie had half of everything. The film was excruciatingly dull, but after feeding Sadie the last M&M Millie really didn't care as she caressed her face and planted a gentle kiss, one which Sadie gratefully returned.

"Let's get out of here" Sadie managed to say through the kiss, "I don't care where we go..." She felt Millie grab her hand, pulling her up and guiding her outside gently. As they exited the theatre and walked down the street she pulled Millie into an alleyway. Pushing her up against the wall she started kissing her, small kisses at first, but increasingly deep. She pushed her body against Millie's, managing to elicit a moan when running a hand from her neck to her stomach, following the curves of her body and settling on the sliver of exposed skin between her top and pants. "God, I love you Millie" she couldn't help but say between kisses. Millie had lost the ability to speak a few minutes earlier, barely able to process anything but the girl in front of her, so just responded with another small moan through further kisses, making Sadie smile.

They suddenly became aware of a lot more noise coming from the street, lots of people talking, laughing, some shouting. The movie must have finished and the crowds were making their ways in all different directions. Breaking away from each other, not wanting to be caught, they both attempted to straighten their hair and clothes. Turning to each other they realised what a shitty job they'd made of it as they still looked a mess. Laughing they then straightened each other's hair and clothes, making them look as respectable as possible, considering their still flushed faces and pink lips.

20 minutes later they stood outside Sadie's house. "I hope you enjoyed it" said Millie, feeling awkward, "sorry Maddie is giving you a hard time, if she talks to you again, please tell me, ok?"

"Number one, I had a great time, I especially liked the end of the film," Millie was about to say something dumb like but we didn't see the end, when her brain caught up, which from Sadie's point of view looked like a confused expression quickly replaced by a penny drop moment. Smiling, she continued "number two, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself, you don't have to keep rescuing me like some cheesy hero in a teen romance."

Millie carefully considered what to say next, "ok, number two, I'll always come rescue you, no matter what, I don't want you to have to fight like I've had to fight, and number one...can you remind me how the film ended, I forget...?"

It was Sadie's turn to look confused for a second, before realisation hit, matched by a cheeky smirk on Millie's face. "Yeah, I think that can be arranged" she replied, before putting her arms around Millie's neck, pulling her close enough for a kiss.

"Do you always kiss on a first date?" Millie asked, flirtatiously, before Sadie could kiss her.

"Shut up" ordered Sadie, closing the gap between them.


A few minutes later Lori heard the door and watched as her daughter walked past the kitchen with a satisfied look on her face. Smiling she asked "How was it?"

Sadie broke into a goofy grin, "perfect" was all she needed to say.


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