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Video above: Jermain Edwards - Beautiful Day

Gratefulness or gratitude from a Latin word gratus (pleasing,thankful) is a feeling of appreciation. Appreciation is a thank you or merely recognizing someone for something he/she has done for you.

Being grateful for life is simply thanking God for the fact that you are still breathing. Do you know how many people breathed their last breath a minute  a go and how many are wishing they could get at least one day out of the hospital?

Give Thanks!

Show appreciation for the things you have, ignoring all deficits and lacks. Most of us are grateful for the things we have like our vehicles, houses, designer clothes and gadgets.

Don't get me wrong, being happy for the material aspects of life is wonderful, especially if you were once a needy person. To them who were financially unstable, acquiring these things can be really rewarding but nevertheless, life is more important and you could never acquire them if you were dead.

Little is much when God is in it. Many refuse to accept that phrase because to them nothing is better than having it all.

We tend to get envious upon seeing other's success and achievements. But do you even know what they had to do or endure to get what they have or reach where they are? In most cases they have to work day and night, on weekends and public holidays. They usually had to separate themselves from loved ones just to manifest their dreams.

Don't be envious.

Envy is one of the Devil's most deadly weapon. It is the reason behind Abel being murdered by his own brother, Cain (Genesis 4:1-16). Jealousy is a sign that we are not satisfied with what God has blessed us with. Dissatisfied even with the priceless gift of life.

One thing is certain and that is, life won't always be easy. Some are born with a dazzling gold spoon in their mouths and still encounter bad days, loss and defeats.

Give thanks and be grateful for what you have and what you wish you had. The problem is not the problem, the problem is how we address the problem.

Life itself can be a problem but it is necessary for us to find practical solutions and trample the obstacles under, instead of having them devour us. Not having something you want can be upsetting but only if you knew how many less fortunate people are there, wishing they had half of what you have and depreciate.

Being grateful cost zero. Just wake up each morning with a thankful heart and a smile on your face. You may not have anything to break your fast but hey..! Do you know about a thing called miracle? 

Biblical Wisedom: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Always be grateful.

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