Chapter 6 - Adventure

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The trio of young adventurers set out to search for and question a time traveller. The likes of which will never be found at all, but none the less they searched. Watching with a careful eye, talking to people, exploring the woods and even talking to some monsters in the forest. No leads, no nothing. It puzzled the twins to endless bounds. Not Frisk of course. This search happened almost every day. Mabel and Frisk didn't always come though. But that was fine by Dipper.
One day though. Frisk asked someone else to come along to help given his scientific background.

"Sure kid. I'll come along. Sounds interesting."

Frisk and his assistant travelled to where Frisk, Dipper and Mabel had agreed to meet up for another search. In hopes of finding the time traveler.

"Hey... you look familiar." claimed Dipper.
"Sand!" cried out an excited Mabel.
"I remember seeing you on that one other snowy day when you said you were getting ingredients for stuff!"

"Sand?" he chuckled, "You already forgot my name?"
"Yes!" exclaimed Mabel.
"Heh. I can see why you would get confused. Don't sweat it kid, this stuff happens all the time. It's Sans. S a n s."
"Got it!"
"So why did you bring me out here again kid? I already forgot after the lecture Tori gave me about responsibility."
Frisk took out their notepad and began to write.
We are here because Dipper and Mabel are on an adventure to hunt down a time traveler after they found a book their uncle Ford made but he didn't remember writing at all and neither did anyone!

"Time travelers, eh kid? I think I know all about them..."

Dipper's interest peaked. "Wha-really? How much do you know? Do you know anybody who is a time traveler? And can you tell us who?"
"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down kiddo. Firstly, I know quite a fair bit. Secondly... yes I do. Lastly, nope. You're smart kids, judging from what Mabel told me the other day when I went to go get ingredients. You'll either figure out who, or know it isn't of importance anymore."
Dipper was taken back by this.
Since the monsters came out of Mt. Ebbot, Sans has been a lot more open with his timeline experiences. Towards Frisk anyway. And with anyone else who had experienced crazy stuff like he had. Point in case, Dipper and Mabel.
"Well... can I at least ask a few questions about time travel?" Asked a curious Dipper.
"After this little adventure we go on, sure kid. Why not?"
Replied Sans.

The group set off once more for another trip around Gravity Falls in search of any clues for time travelers. "This is hopeless!" Dipper thought, "Wha- wait. Hang on.The one guy who actually knows about time travel is here, and I'm not asking any questions yet?! "

A few minutes later, the group had gaven up their search for the umpteenth time.
"Oh well. These things don't happen on que. We just gotta keep an eye out for anything."
Chirped Dipper.
"Hey wait, uh... Sans. About those questions I had?"
"Yeah? What about them?"
Asked Sans.
"Can I ask just a few now..?"
Sans thought for a moment. Before turning to Dipper and replying with "Sure kid. Just don't bore Mabel and Frisk."
Mabel snapped to attention at the mention of her name.
"Hey! I am very smart thank you! I know the exact lengths of making the right sized sweater. I think I know my time travel!"
Answered Mabel. Sans chuckled and Frisk just nodded and sat down on a nearby log whilst Mabel went over to join them.

And then the barrage of endless questioning began.

"Soooo... Are you a time traveler?"
Asked Dipper.
"I don't consider myself one. But I guess I have been mixed up in it back in the underground. I haven't got anything with activating the time travel. Only one person can."
"And who is this person?"
Sans thought for a moment. Before deciding on dropping a hint.
"I won't tell you, but I'll give you a hint. Or else you'll be stuck like this forever. It's someone in this town, and someone you know. Could be from the last time you came here, or someone new."
Hinted Sans.
"Ahrg! Of all people to know its the one guy who I cant read his facial expressions, because he doesn't have any asides from his smile! I don't know if he is lying! Is he lying? Would Sans lie? If only Ford was here." Thought Dipper.

The duo continued their back and forth conversations with eachother. Dipper getting no more out of Sans. But definitely giving it a go.
Meanwhile, Mabel and Frisk were talking on the log...
"Soo Frisk! How are you doing?"
Chirped Mabel.
Frisk grew nervous. Debating whether or not to actually talk to Mabel.
So, in a quiet tone they spoke.
"I'm... quite well Mabel. How about you?"
Mabel on the other hand, was excited to be talking to Frisk.
You know, talking to eachother by actually talking and not paper.
"Awh! You sound so cuuuute!"
Frisk blushed a tiny bit.
"And I am good too thank you! Hey. I have a question to ask."
Frisk looked up at Mabel. Eager to hear her question.
"Why do you choose not to talk? Not in a rude way, I'm just curious."
"I guess it's just like, being shy and nervous? It takes time for me to warm up to people and feel comfortable talking to them. Nothing against anyone, just shy."
Frisk explained.
"Aw Frisk! You don't need to be shy around me or Dipper! I know my brother is protective of me sometimes but, he won't bother you as he knows you only have good intentions. Or should know that anyway."
"Thank you Mabel."
Frisk smiled, and a idea was beginning to form in their head.
They thought. "Sleepover!"
"Hey Mabel?"
Beamed a happy Frisk.
"Yes Frisk?"
Replied Mabel.
"Would you and Dipper like to come over for a sleepover?" asked Frisk.

"So let me get this straight. It is and isn't time travel?" pondered Dipper.
Sans sighed.

"Okay kid. Its like this. The time-space continuum gets set backwards like a clock, causing the state of the universe to reset back to that time frame, rarely destabilizing the dark matter and quantum processes that keeps everything at a level of stable equilibrium. The entity who calls upon said time reset keeps all of the memories they had as they initialized the reset, whereas 99.9% of everyone else loses all memories prior to that moment. I kept my memories. Which is why I am able to tell this to you.
You got all that kid?"

"Uhhhh huhhhh... I thiiiiiink so?"
"Alright. Anything else?"
Before Dipper could begin. He heard Mabel shout at him.
"DIPPER! Would you like to have a sleepover with Frisk? Me, Frisk, Mabel, Frisk, Myself and Frisk are going!"
Needless to say, she scared Dipper with how unexpectedly loud she was.
"AH! Mabel! Don't scare me like that. You know I'm jumpy. Also, sure I guess? Is it okay?"
Responded Dipper.
"It's okay. I texted mom and she said yes."
Replied Frisk. Still shy and quiet.
Mabel jumped up in joy. "SLEEPOVER! Yaaay!"
"Sounds like a plan Frisk."
Sans got Frisk's attention.
"Alright kid, i'll see you at home. I gotta get back and help Tori with some dishes. And trust me, everytime I do dishes, I think to myself, Dishes not very fun."
Sans turned and walked off from the trio of now laughing and giggling mystery hunters, wondering if they'll ever find out the truth.

Forgive me, I have lacked motivation to this as I have been busy with a few school things here and there. No, I will not give up on this. Not for a very long time. I promise to try and update more. I will try.

Y'all are awesome for 500 reads and almost 20 star thingies. I have no idea what they mean but thank you.
And thank you for your patience too!
Sorry this isn't as long as a chapter as it should've been.

You're awesome.

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