Chapter 9 - Snowed in

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Another day dawned over the snowy forest town of Gravity Falls.
Just waking up from their slumber, was Dipper.
Everyone else was currently asleep. But Mabel and Dipper usually wake up around the same time, so it wouldn't be long before Mabel was awake too.
Dipper took this chance to look outside at the weather through the square window in Frisk's room, and quickly found out that it had snowed heavily last night.
Really heavy.

Like, "Help-me-im-suffocating-in-all-this-snow" levels of heavy snow.
It was as if someone had layed a thick stack of blank paper over the whole town.

"Wow! That's a lot of snow!" chirped a sleepy Mabel.
"Guahh! Oh jeez Mabel, you scared me. I didn't expect you up at this early."
Replied Dipper. "Remember, Frisk is still asleep so let's try to be quiet."

"Well duh! We usually wake up around the same time for some... Huh...? Wait hang on..."
Mabel was distracted by the mumblings of Frisk in their sleep.
"Do you hear them too?" asked Mabel.
"Yeah... I wonder what they're saying."
The twins very carefully made their way closer to Frisk. Just enough to hear what they were saying clearly.
They were fidgeting around, tossing and turning in their bed. Not a nightmare, they just can't keep still most of the time.
The rest was mostly jumbled up words that can't be understood.

Dipper turned to Mabel and whispered "What do you think this means?"
To which, Mabel simply responded with "Dipperrrr! Its a dream, there's no reason to get paranoid about Frisk!"
"But Mabel, the last time someone was speaking in their dreans it had something to do with... Y'know... Bill!"
"Pshh yeah but Bill's gone now right? Plus, wouldn't their eyes glow blue or something?""
"Yeah but... His physical form is gone but I don't know if his weird dream version still exists..."
"That's impossible! Ford erased him with the beamy gun thing!"
Dipper thought for a moment.

"But if Bill was in Stan's mind, and Stan's memories got erased with Bill... Then Stan got his memories back... Would that mean Bill could come back?"
Mabel stopped to think about what Dipper had just told her.
"That... Might be possible, Dipdots. But his eyes aren't glowing blue still and he isn't acting strange and neither has Grunkle Stan, so... I dont think that's a problem. And Bill isn't really a memory is he? I mean suuure he is in the memories but not a thing that's supposed to be there in his mind!  Besides. If by some magical chance he comes back we can still beat him as many times as it takes!"
"Yes we can Mabel. Yes we can."

As he was waiting for Frisk to wake up, Dipper took a quick look around Frisk's room. Maybe figure out and piece together a few more answers.

Besides Frisk's bed was a kind of purple book, with a black edge to it and its corners were spiraled with gold in a floral pattern.
It looked so strange. The cover had a red heart on top and it looked like it glowed almost, but that couldn't be possible. Books dont glow.
Dipper picked up the book toook closer at it.
"I wonder where Frisk got this from..." Pondered Dipper.
"I dunno, probably some fancy underground bookshop. They probably have them."

Huh. Books don't whisper things either. Unlike this one.
"Mabel, do you hear whispering from this book?"
He held the book close to Mabel's ear. Which helped her faintly hear the jumbled up words that came from the book.

"That's a freaky book." Answered Mabel.

There was also an plant pot, but without any flower in it yet. Prehaps for a later, gardening related use.

Dipper had noticed that Frisk was starting to wake up, put the strange book back on the shelf and stopped looking around just in case it was rude. It wasn't long after Dipper stopped looking around that Frisk had woken up.
"Good morning..." mumbled Frisk, clearly still asleep, as they slowly walked over to their window. "Woah... S'lot of snow...". It was apparent to Dipper and Mabel that Frisk was very much a sleepyhead. "Look at you! Someone's a sleepyhead~!" sung Mabel as she poked Frisk. Numerous times.

The trio gathered around and started conversing, usual conversation topics. Not long after, Sans poked his skull around the door.
"Hey kids, it snowed real heavy last night we might be snowdin today, and that's snow joke!"

Dear god no. Not more stupid puns.

Of course. Frisk was the only one who actually understood the first joke, and had to explain it to the twins.
"In the underground, there's a place called Snowdin and... Yeah it is endlessly snowy there. Which is why it's called Snowdin. Because the whole place is snowed in."

"Oooh okay I get it!" exclaimed Mabel, whilst Dipper just nodded.
"So, what other areas are in the underground anyway?" He asked Frisk.
They thought for a moment.
"Well I think each one represents a different season I guess. The Ruins have different autumny coloured leaves, Snowdin is wintery, Waterfall is kinda like spring as its rainy and Hotland is summer because it is very hot!"
They replied.
"How hot?" asked Mabel.
"Lava hot!"

Frisk continued on...
"Then you have other regions that don't seem tied to a season, like The CORE, a big power machine... Thing that powers the whole underground with something. But needs ice from Snowdin to cool it. A big river leading to a conveyor belt leading to The CORE is connected from Snowdin to The CORE, and an ice producer is right at the start of that river- with Ice Wolf! His one job is to grab a block of ice, turn around and throw it in the river. It sounds boring honestly. But it has to be done."

"How is it powered?" asked Dipper.
"Probably magic." they replied.
"Lastly the final area I saw was New Home. It's just a city of monsters that leads to the king's castle. But there's probably so much more I haven't seen."

"Ooo... Can we go there?! I wanna see these... These... Places!" Pleaded Mabel.
"Maybe one day I'll show you the way up and around there, sure."
It was then Dipper noticed the pendant in the shape of a heart that Frisk was wearing this whole time, it had hinges on it, which means it opens up! They've never been seen without it so far.
"I have to find out what's in there." Thought Dipper.

Soon after their mindless conversations about nonsense went by, Dipper asked an important question.

"Hey Frisk?"
"Yes Dipper?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course. What is it?"
"What happened in the underground?"
"Do you want the long answer or the short answer?"
"What one makes more sense?'
"I suppose the long one."
"Can you tell us what happened? Pleaaaaase?"

A tense few seconds passed...
"Fine, gather round you two and keep an open mind."
The twins waited, and were eager to hear the tale. The Undertale.

I am still here.
I am still waiting.
I am still watching.
You cannot escape my endless gaze.
Yet I am trapped in this spectral haze.
None can stop me and still you've tried.
Sit down, give up and cry.
Sooner or later, if you don't give in...
I'll pay all of you a visit.

A/N: hello again! Its me! Cipherian back from beyond my spectral grave! I am so sorry this bad chapter took so long, my exams are up soon. Real ones this time!
Also woah SPOOKY stuff at the end.
And I was concentrating on that a lot. Regardless! I might be able to squeeze in one more chapter before my exams begin because I am committed!!
If there is not one before the 14th of May then my exams have begun and wont be an update until after the 15th of June.
Thank you for viewing, and your patience is appreciated!

UPDATE 5/6/18: Fixed some issues about the lock on Frisk's book, it has been removed because honestly I have no clue how Dipper would get the key to it in the first place as the key is inside the pendant.

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