He Takes You On Tour But You Are Scared Of Flying-Michael

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This was requested by @calums-nasa-tshirt hope you like it

Your P.O.V

I was sitting in my room listening to music and doing homework and enjoying my time when I heard the front door open and I heard multiple voices I realized it was Michael and the boys I was glad they were back from the studio because just 10 minutes ago I caught my boyfriend well now ex boyfriend cheating on me with my two best friends anyways back on topic I was still crying because of it and I ran downstairs and straight into Michael's arms him and the boys all stopped laughing when they heard me sobbing and they brought me to the couch in the living room when I finally calmed down Michael asked "Y/N what happened? Why are you crying?" I was scared to tell him and the boys but then I said "I f-found Y/EX/BF/N cheating o-on me with m-my t-two best f-friends" after I said that I broke down again and the boys all came and hugged me and then out of the ordinary Michael said "Y/N why don't you come on tour with us? I mean Y/EX/BF/N was suppose to have you stay there while we went on tour since mum is out of town" I wasn't going to lie I was excited and scared at the same time I mean I've never been on a plane before but anyways I said "You would do that for me Michael? Ok thank you Michael I love you I'm gonna start packing since we leave tomorrow" after I said that Michael replied "Of course I would you're my sister and I love you too make sure you go to bed early we have to wake up early" "Ok night boys" "Night Y/N" the boys replied. (Time Skip Brought To You By Michael Clifford)

I woke up and changed into some sweatpants and a grey Nike sweater and brought my bag downstairs I yelled up to the boys" BOYS COME ON WE ARE GOING TO MISS OUR FLIGHT" they all replied with "OK OK WE ARE COMING" then they all came down and we decided to leave now before there was too much traffic. We finally made it to the airport and as soon as we went through security our flight was called and I was glad I was placed beside Michael. Once our flight was starting to take off I took Michael's hand and I finally confessed to him that I was scared he told me not to worry that everything would be ok and then we took off into the clouds (Another Time Skip Brought To You By Beside You) once we landed and grabbed our stuff we went in a cab to our hotel and after we signed in and went to our room I hugged Michaelas the boys watched amused then I said to Michael "Michael thank you for helping me on the flight if you weren't there I wouldn't have made it through the whole flight but now I'm here in Michigan so thank you" he then replied with "You're welcome Y/N I love you sis and I'm glad you are able to experience this with us" "I love you too Mikey bear thanks for being the best big brother I could ask for".

Thank you guys so much for reading I hope you enjoy and if you want to request just ask in the comments and you can also PM/DM me I love you all and have an amazing day/night and I will try to update often until next time bye!!!

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