Your Secret Talent(Calum)

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Your P.O.V

You know how everybody has that one thing they are really good at and they keep it a secret? Well I have a talent I'm really good at but non of the boys know about this talent because it's my secret. Now you might be thinking "What is this secret talent?" well my secret talent is that I am really good at hip-hop and also gymnastics. Yeah I know amazing right well here is one of my hip-hop dance routines (Play video above) you might be wondering who is that other girl well that is my best friend Caitlin me and her are like sisters she not only does hip-hop with me she also does gymnastics with me. Caitlin is like that sister I've always wanted *buzz buzz* Oh I have a text it's from Caitlin I wonder what she needs.

C:Hey Y/N

Y/N:Hey Caitlin what do you need?

C:Well I was wondering if you want to do our Sexy Girls hip-hop routine?

Y/N:Yeah sure

C:Ok I will see you there

Y/N:You bet

So I got ready in my outfit and I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs and on the couch was Calum and the boys. I got to the bottom step and it creaked the boys all turned and looked at me and as I headed to the door Ashton asked me where I was going "Oh I'm just going out with Caitlin to the...mall but I will be back around dinner time" and so I headed out the door but little did I know the boys would follow me.

(Time Skip brought to you by me)

I got to the studio and went in and spotted Caitlin "Hey Caitlin" "Oh hey Y/N you ready for our routine?" "Oh you bet let's get started" so we started (Play video again only if you want to at least)"Still fresh and smooth as ever" "That's true we usually mess up good job Y/N" "Thanks Caitlin" then me and Caitlin heard clapping and we turned around and there stood my brother and the boys "How come you never told us you could dance hip-hop Y/N?" "Because you never asked me what I like to do or what I'm able to do" "Oh well you are amazing at it girls" "Thanks boys" and then we all went out to eat and me and Caitlin even showed the boys that we could do gymnastics and they complimented us. I don't know what I would do without Caitlin and the boys I love them and they're my family.

A/N Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! If you want to request one you can comment or message me all you have to do is tell me your name which boy and what topic you would like! I love every single one of you and don't forget that you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you either wise because I love you all the way you are and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you! You all are important and you all matter to me! 💕💕

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