BGM- He Proposes (Ashton)

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This was requested by camjensen I love you bestie hope you like it!!!
Cam's P.O.V
I'm so excited and happy I've finally made it to dating someone for 4 years even because of the hate my boyfriend and I stuck together anyways it's me and Ashton's anniversary I'm so glad to give him my gift for him I really love him and I hope he enjoys his gift I got him. I got out of bed and looked on the bed to see that Ashton wasn't there instead of him there was a note saying that there is breakfast downstairs and that there's an outfit prepared for me in our walk-in closet so I went into the walk-in closet to see the outfit ( after getting dressed I went downstairs and ate the breakfast and then there was a knock on the door so I went and answered the door and standing there was Calum, Luke, and Michael all in tuxedos "What are you guys doing here? Why are you wearing tuxedos?" I asked "No questions just follow us" Michael said. I followed them down to a limo and we all got in and went to a park and I recognized it as the same park me and Ashton met and the boys led me out of the limo and put a blindfold over my eyes and led me somewhere and then they took off my blindfold and standing there was Ashton with a picnic date set-up and I walked up to Ash and hugged him and said Happy Anniversary and he said it back and then we sat down and ate then the boys gathered around and Ash stood me up and got down on one knee "Cam 5 years ago we met at this park and you fell down and I helped you up and as soon as I saw your face I knew it was love at first sight and after us going on a few dates I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes that was 4 years ago and I wanted to know if you would make me the happiest man alive and will you marry me?" Ash said and I covered my mouth with tears streaming down my face and I shook my head yes and the boys cheered while Ash hugged me and spun me around then put the ring on my finger (picture of ring at the top). I'm glad I met Ash he makes me so happy and I'm glad that he's always there for me.

A/n Thanks for reading!! I'm sorry that I've been so inactive and Cam I'm sorry that it took me so long I've just been dealing with family problems and school so I hope you guys enjoyed and if you want a BGM or BSM you can comment down below or dm me and as always have an amazing day/night!!!!

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