Chapter 21: Get crushed! Ash vs Olivia!

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So this is the chapter is the not gonna be 4,000 words since this was suppose to be combined with the last chapter but it was getting kinda long as I said before. I think this is gonna be maybe 2,000-3,000 words. Don't quote me on that though. Sorry if this is taking so long. Personally I can't wait to get farther in the story. Kinda like in XYZ how the 3rd part was the most heated part. Okay I'm bias cause I loved the Xy-Xyz series but the XYZ was so well written. Granted that there were some things I didn't like about the XYZ series *Cough* Ash losing the league *Cough Cough*. I'm not gonna rant about that though since that NEVER happened in this story! That last fight was inconclusive and that's that!!!!!! Okay so I hope everyone enjoys and sorry if I say certain things wayyyy too often like still, like, enjoy the read, sorry literally just said sorry two seconds ago, etc...


The sun rose over the Alola region as Ash and the others were still sleeping. The cool breeze blew across the islands and brought a peaceful vibe to everyone. It was calm and quiet, but not for Ash and his Pokemon. They were ready for a heated battle. Even while sleeping they were preparing for the trial. They were ready to battle Olivia! As the breeze blew farther down the island a man and a woman were seen standing at the top of the hill.

Kukui: Ahhhh Yeah! It feels like it's gonna be a battlin' kinda day. I can't wait to see how it goes!

Olivia: Honestly you really haven't changed one bit. Not even wanting to put on a shirt in this cold breeze. 

Kukui: Hahah! Well are you excited to battle Ash today?

Olivia: He's quite the interesting boy from what you, Kiawe, Lana, and Mallow tell me! But to truly see if he is strong enough for the next trials I have to make sure he can with stand my crushing power.

Kukui: You don't have to make it sound like you are gonna kill the kid.

Olivia: You said he was 16. I consider that old enough to hear words of challenge and gusto.

Kukui: I guess. Though getting crushed seems a little extreme.

Olivia: I'm a rock type! What do you want me to say? He's gonna have a shocking experience or it's gonna be a heated battle. That doesn't work.

Kukui: HAHA! I guess you got me there. Crushed it is then. I wonder what Ash is gonna do?

Olivia: Let's hope he can at least think on his feet. 

Kukui: Don't worry I'm sure he's ready to crush you!

Olivia: I'm the only one that does the crushing!

Kukui: We'll see. I think you are in for a big surprise.

A few ours passed as new day began for Ash with a new challenge. Kukui was interested in how he was going to handle Olivia. He was excited for to see the battle. Meanwhile Ash and the others were just waking up from a long needed rest from the long day prior.

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