Chapter 37: Farewell my friends! The pain of lose.

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Hey everyone! I'll keep this note short. Thanks for all the reads and stuff. It's nice to know people are willing to read this. When the league starts I should have an updated bio page on some of the Pokemon. I'm probably gonna switch the bios around to go under their trainers instead of random. Thanks and I hope you all enjoy the next chapter!


It was another sunny day in Alola as everything seemed calm and the ultra beasts that were released seem to have vanished without a trace. It is peaceful in Alola, but it will soon get much busier as the world championship league is close to starting and so many people from other regions have come to watch. Even though Alola is small the project to build an island for the league was established by a mysterious man who. This man funded the project by getting the Devon corporation to build and oversee the world championship. For many this is a good chance to be named the best in the world, for Ash it is a opportunity of a lifetime and he is ready for anything. We return to Ash finishing his training with his Pokemon after a strange fiasco with Darkrai. By this time everyone was getting ready to head back to Mele Mele island.

Ash: Alright Pikachu use thunderbolt in quick bursts! * Pikachu shot a rapid succession of thunderbolts at objects they set up to use for practice. Pikachu was able to hit all of them with perfect accuracy.* Nice work Pikachu!

Soon the others gathered outside as everyone was surprised to see Ash training so early in the morning. Everyone except Serena and Bonnie who were glad to see Ash getting back to his normal self after everything had transpired.

Mallow: Ash why are you training so early in the morning?

Ash: Just getting some training done before the league.

Mallow: The league isn't for a while though.

Serena: That's Ash for you. He always loves to train and be at the top of his game.

Bonnie: He's trained really hard even risking his own health for training.

Lana: What do you mean by that?

Serena: Weeelll Ash may have caught a fever after training for hours in a river.

Ash: It was alright though since you took such god care of me while I was out. *Ash's training seemed to help him forget about being set on fire, but also some of what he and Pikachu had discussed during their connected dream. After remembering that day he got sick his memories of last night started to resurface. The one in particular that kept repeating in his mind was the fact that he admitted to loving Serena. This did not only cause him to feel extremely nervous but also he saw Serena in a completely different way.* (I-I really admitted to loving Serena! It's such a weird feeling... Even if I knew how to tell her how would I be able to gather the courage to tell her.)

Serena: Ash are you alright? You look distracted.

Ash: Wha? Oh sorry I was thinking about which Pokemon Professor Oak should send me if I can't find anymore Pokemon in Alola. (Man Serena is so cute! Wait...... Dammit it's hard to even look at her now without my heart racing. Gahhhhh!... Pikachu's right. If I can't figure out how to get over this I never be able to tell her. For now I just have to concentrate on winning the league.... I have to keep my promise to Dad that I won't give up.) So should is everyone ready to head back to Mele Mele island?

Kiawe: Sure but I won't be staying long. I still need to get back to my family soon.

Mallow: Kiawe!! You promised you stay a little while.

Kiawe: Yeah I am. You never clarified how long a while is.

Lana: It's alright. It will be nice to see the school again!

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