Bio's and character page for people.

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This is gonna be a separate Bio page for the people since the other one is just Pokemon I thought it nice to also create some backgrounds and stuff for new characters. Most of the stuff people should know about the characters since the actual anime explores their backstories a lot, but this is more like age, current status, etc.... so I hope it isn't that long. Hope everyone enjoys!


***Ash Ketchum: Age: 16 1/2 when Serena first arrives in Alola. 

Info and status: Current status is completing the Alolan trials

Ash is a very head strong and out going person always taking life head on and never giving up. His dream is to be a Pokemon Master which he picked up from stories as a kid from his father before his disappearance. Ash is very inspired by his father and always wanting to be just like him as a kid. Eventually Ash forgot about his dad since he left him at the age of three. Ash has a strong love for Pokemon often using Pokemon to fill the void in his heart that his father left. Unknown to Ash that his mother won't tell him is his father was killed in a war in another region. Because of his mothers refusal to discuss what happened to his father he relied on Pokemon to cheer him up hoping to someday find his dad on his journey and show him his very own partner. As a child he wasn't very close to a lot of kids his age being in a small town. It usually was just him and Gary who was always kind of a dick to him. When Professor Oak hosted his summer camp it was the first time Ash got to spend a lot of time with lots of kids his age. He most noticeably grew a strong bond with a young girl he had helped get back to camp. Her name was Serena. The two become very close over the next few days only for the camp to end and have her going back to her home town without telling him her name. Ash thought of her as a great friend and hoped he gave her a new found courage. He never realized that the Serena ended up falling love with him. Ash has never been very good at understanding the different types of love. Besides his parents; his partner Pikachu was the first friend and thing he loved that truly stayed by his side. This caused the two to have an extremely close bond but kept Ash from understanding the different types of love there is. As he grew up with Pikachu they had lots of adventures together and ended up being hero's of many regions. In his journey through the many different regions he made lots of connections with others and grew close to many Pokemon. Charizard was one of the first besides Pikachu he grew close too. Other than Pikachu and Charizard the only other Pokemon he was able to create a bond that exceeds even that of strong bonds was Greninja who he was able to unlock a long lost form. Pikachu also grew close to Greninja often being each others sparring partners. Pikachu was the only one able to get Greninja to admit he loved Braixen back when he was still just a froakie though Ash had no clues. Even though Ash is dense he is always willing to risk everything to make others happy and to save those in need. He has grown extremely strong bonds with only a certain amount of people. Serena is one of these being old friends as well as Brock and Misty. He often looks to Serena for some form of inspiration and to remind himself to keep reaching for his dreams and being happy. He is never sure why being around her makes him much more motivated. Even though Serena looks up to him for courage and inspiration Ash also looks up to her for the same things knowing she is strong. At this point he isn't sure what the kiss meant or why it felt calming and heart warming to him, but he wants to figure it out only for his thoughts to be clouded by the current events and fear that he will lose Greninja. No matter what happens Ash is ready to give everything to help his friends and Pokemon even if it means his own life.     

***Serena: Age: 17 upon arriving in Alola. 

Info and Status: In Alola rejoining Ash and taking care of Bonnie.

Serena is what many consider to be a queen in her own rite. Lots of guys have easily fallen for her at first glance. Though she finds it a bit annoying it is something she has gotten us to being a problem she has had since she was young. She is very loyal and loving to her Pokemon and to Ash. She met Ash when she was young at Professor Oaks summer camp but never got to tell Ash her name before going back to the Kalos region. She held onto the handkerchief Ash gave her to help with her injury. She never gives up and takes after Ash mostly even in her battling style. Even as a performer she is a very capable battler copying Ash's battling style and being able to put her performers spin into it. Her feelings for Ash are extremely noticeable to almost everyone except a few people but mostly Ash. She managed to gather the courage to kiss him before she left for the Hoenn region surprising everyone and stunning Ash in the process. She has three main Pokemon and two others that don't particularly like performing but love to help with the costumes and designs. Swablu is most notably like this often using his cotton feathers to create a mist to introduce Serena and the others whilst Roselia likes to work on costume designs for the others and stays away from the spotlight since she has a fear of being in front of large crowds. Serena always makes sure Roselia and Swablu are happy before attending to the others. She is most like her first and closest partner Braixen, but can be a lot like her Sylveon especially around Ash. Both Serena and Sylveon blush uncontrollably when certain things happen between them and the one's they love while Braixen is very calm about her feelings for Greninja. Serena loves being with her Pokemon and has started leaving them out of their Pokeballs more often to let them get fresh air and relax with the others. Though she is considered a goddess in the eyes of others for many reasons she only has feelings for Ash and won't give up until the end.    

***Bonnie: Age: 10 

Info and Status: Bonnie is currently looking for Squishy in Alola accompanying Serena and Ash. 

Bonnie is a very brave and excitable young girl who loves Pokemon more than anything. She has no fear in the eyes of many things even ghosts type Pokemon and often finds joy in them. Bonnie can go a bit overboard on many things and always tries to get Serena and Ash together and loves to tease Serena about it. She is very loving towards her elder brother Clemont who she tries to find a good girlfriend for, but usually just embarrasses him. She is very close to her partner Dedenne being the first Pokemon she got to fully take care of and raise after her brother caught it for her to keep until she was old enough to adventure with him. She is sometimes the strongest person always moving forward and not looking back. She always sets her priorities to her Pokemon first and then to herself. Though she isn't as smart as Clemont was at her age she is still extremely bright for her age and often uses this to be a smart mouth especially to Team Rocket and often yells at them before they can finish their monologue. She is very kind but also vert sassy at certain times. She is not afraid to call others actions to question but never tries to upset others.  

This is kinda short mostly due to extensive research seeing a most of the characters as the games or anime would describe them and such or the characters haven't been explored enough yet. Ash, Serena, and Bonnie are the only few that I've changed dramatically so this one will be short for now unless I drastically change other characters. Hope everyone enjoys and new chapters will be on their way soon and hopefully finished by the end of this week.

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