Belphegor is NOT a seamstress.

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Main character: Belphegor.

Location: Varia mansion.

Mission: To fix the damn hole in his jacket that came from hell itself.

Disclaimer: I do not own khr in any way, shape or form.


Belphegor is NOT a seamstress.




"Bel senpai..."

"Sen-" "What?! Why do you bother the prince so?"

"It just looks to me like you aren't doing it right... Senpai."

"Shishi, shut up toad! You can't even fix your little froggy hat so be quiet before I make you, shi."

"That's mean. You're the one who made all those holes in the first pl- SENPAI!"

Bang. Thwack. Plunk.



Fran sighed as his fingers wrapped around the thick metal knives penetrating his thick frog hat. That served somewhat of a purpose. At least it it protected him from being impaled in the head by his insane knife throwing senpai.

He yanked it out and prepared to bend the stupid things beyond use if it weren't for the look Bel senpai gave him. Or rather could have, the fringe of bangs covering his eyes kept anyone from seeing most of his face. Fran bet he could probably do things better if they weren't hanging in his face.


Like now. He was trying his hand at sewing. You see, earlier on he had been frolicking around the woods, doing his usual routine. Killing unsuspecting victims just for the sake of seeing the crimson blood spattered among the dense forest floor. The thrill of it all.

Just the coppery scent felt exhilarating and he knew he had to have more. Their chilling screams only intensified his bloodlust causing most of them to die, others critically injured. All in all it had been a wonderful day and he came home covered head to toe in the slimy red mess.

Lussuria had taken one look at the bloody prince and clucked his tongue like a disapproving mother. "Bel~ You must learn to wash up immediately after killing the masses. Or it will soak into your clothes and never get out~" Bel "tch'ed" and headed upstairs for once obeying Luss without a usual princely remark. Peasants should learn to stay in their place though. Or bad things might happen. He snickered.

After a nice relaxing shower fit for royalty while his clothes washed and dried, he dressed into his casual clothes. A usual dark striped long sleeved shirt and black jeans. Shaking his head like a dog to get rid of all the dampness after he brushed it was essential. Gave off that brutish prince look.

Taking one look in the mirror and placing his tiara on his head with an overly excessive grin he swung open the door and pranced into the hall, marching gayly {Happily you noobs.} down the steps. Nothing could spoil this moment of accomplishment.

Murdering the human population always put a skip in his step, a larger smile to his face and more pride than ever in Bel. Strangely enough.

Prancing to the laundry room he flipped the dryer door open and proceeded to fish out his now dry and sparkling uniform. His smile died when he grasped the fabric of his jacket though. His fingers when straight through a large rip in the side.

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