Fran and his frog.

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I know I was supposed to update a long time ago but there are so many obstacles in my way. School, cleaning, birthdays, sickness and dealing with all my stupid mental disorders ;-; I also have serious writers block so this is completely spontaneous.

There's so much to do. I'll try.

Disclaimer: I do not own khr in any way, shape or form. Enjoy~


"I'm going to get a frog." Fran declared one day bursting into the room of his senpai and was met head on with a row of freshly sharpened knives.

"What are you talking about froggy. You can't keep one of your own species as a pet." Bel sneered, polishing his favorite knife. The fruits of his labor was an exceptionally large and wickedly curved knife that was an accident of glitches proportions. He was studying it intensely in order to figure out how to make more. This was the prototype but it never failed to hit on target.

"So you can keep a weird creature that resembles your face but I can't even get a frog?" Fran huffed in monotone, however he was able to do that. His senpai simply nodded and smiled sarcastically. "The prince is above the law."

Fran ignored him and plopped down beside him, scooting uncomfortably close, peering over Bel's shoulder to look at whatever he was doing.

"That's a pretty outrageous knife you have senpai. I'm surprised it even works."

"Does froggy want to see how it works, shi."

" thank you Bel-senpai."

A couple moments of peaceful silence.

"Ne, Bel-senpai."


"You know what I'm going to name my frog."


"Who would call their pet a name like that?!"

"The boss had a pet cow once, he named it Steak Dinner. He loved it a lot. Fed it bushels of carrots and let it go free in the neighbors lawns. Ushishishi. They were very close. He was always petting it and talking to it like it was the most valuable thing on earth, the spoiled little steak dinner."

"What happened to it?"

"The boss got hungry."


Fran rolled into the corner of the room and began flipping through all of Bel's manga. He selected one called 'Princess Tutu' and began reading it. Every now and then there was the sound of a turning page and the scraping of metal.

Suddenly Belphegor's phone started buzzing so he picked it up and noticed there was one new message.

Fran: I'd name it Buffy.

"Gosh dangit Frog why are you texting me when we're in the same room?!"

Fran: I don't like it when we fight :(

Bel chucked his phone at the illusionists head which knocked him out cold and that was that. Finally he could sharpen his knives in peace.

The phone started buzzing and he tried to ignore it but it was so persistent that he finally gave up and checked the screen. Anything to get it to shut up.

Buffy: I'll always luv u 4ever

"Fucking frogs."


ewe pets. Fran hates it when they fight ouo I'll make them 'babysit' Mammon in a later chapter. And I have to work on Messed up meetings. Its a work in progress.

Read and review, ne?

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