Kick the baby

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Disclaimer: I do not own khr in any way shape or form, but I do own all my fangirl screams EEEEEEEEEE


"Senpai! Don't you dare!"

"Shishi what's with the senpai froggy why not something more endearing for the prince?"

"Oh. Dear. Stop."

"The prince should smack you." Bel said holding up their crying child getting ready to throw the loud noise maker out the window and get rid of it once and for all. It was pissing him off to no end with the constant crying.

In fact it was so constant that he and his wife {Fran just fran} hadn't had a good nights sleep in three months. And he didn't even know males could get pregnant.

He liked the kid's sadistic smile though, he had teal hair cut like his daddy's and eye markings like his mommy's. since Fran was the girlier one he got to be the mommy.

"Bel senpai put little Azu down." Fran snorted taking the baby away from the latter and setting him on the floor since he could crawl already.

"But he's so annoying." Bel whined.

"I think you're just jealous." Fran smirked at him confidently and took the knife away from Azu.

"The prince is not." Bel huffed appalled at the fact that froggy was actually right, they hadn't spent personal time together apart from collapsing on the bed from exhaustion in looking after their child and work.

All Bel wanted was to have some Froggy and Prince time.

"VOIIII HERE'S UNCLE!" Yelled a voice behind the other side of the door before the door was kicked down revealing Squalo in all his tainted glory.

Azu clapped and toddled over to his 'uncle' playing with his Superbi Squalo Special Defense Sword as he called it or SSSDS for short, it varied.

"Fran what the voi are you wearing?!" He exclaimed pointing to the pink apron Fran was rocking.

"You're just jealous like Senpai." Fran sniffed running away leaving the two other males in shock. "How dare you insult my wife!" Bel cackled conjuring the magical unfortold knives that appeared from nowhere ready to fluff shit up.



"Senpai next time play with stupid long haired captain outside dimwit." Fran chided looking at their shredded up apartment that was just one of the many in Varia mansion.

Bel 'che'd and walked off leaving their child to play with the rubble, it was amusing for a five year old child.


And that's pretty much how everything goes in the family life of B26, sorry I have writers block Read and Review though please?

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