I scream for the ice cream man.

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So this oneshot didn't go how I originally planned, but meh. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to update this week, so much shit to do and I kind of got taken advantage of resulting in quite a few things to draw... oh well.

A special thanks to Kageshi Makira for reviewing and the idea that I most surely will write.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but myself and my nonsensical scribbles. Enjoy~

"It's bloody hot, shi." Complained Bel as he leaned back, feeling a cool rag in his sweaty brow as Fran was playing doctor. "The patient's burning up." Mumbled Fran wiping his sweaty and equally red face, that was from it being a hot summer day.

It had to be over a hundred degrees outside that day. They both could've been inside the mansion enjoying the cool air conditioning. But apparently that gave them enough energy to cause 'a whole hell of damage' as Levi put it, shoving the two trouble makers outside.

Lussuria popped out moments later handing them some swim trunks and a pitcher of ice water, in case they were thirsty. He told them to go swimming, but the hear made both kohai and senpai too lazy to walk down the path and get to the lake. Instead they set to work on creating a substitute.

After a couple minutes of searching the dusty old shed outside they discovered an old plastic kiddy pool, by then both the latter and former's feet had been caked in dirt. Dragging the dirty thing over Fran washed it off and filled it with water as Bel watched. What? He's a prince for goodness sake.

Both took turns inside the she'd stripping off their clothes and donning swim trunks, how surprising though, wouldn't Lussuria have given them something like a speedo? Without the jock strap too. Both just shrugged, the heat must've gotten to the usually perverted Lussuria as well.

Once they were both inside it was much too warm of water so Fran conjured up ice cubes for the pool. They were only illusions but both believes they were real, thus it was so. Fran was bored and got it into his head after he helped Bel with cooling off that he had this idea he could practice medial examinations. Probably due to Bel's one in a million comment, "shishi, froggy could be a good doctor."

Bel didn't really mind in the least, he was cooled off, he was getting attention and it gave Fran something to do. It was a win, win, win, triple win situation. That was until the heat overtook his kohai and he flopped down face first into the water from exhaustion.

Bel cautiously poked the teal haired boy's head. "Froggy?" All that came in response was a couple of bubbles, he sat there for a couple of seconds before poking Fran again. "Hey frog, get up, you're going to drown yourself!" Fran didn't move.

Panicking just a bit, a most rare thing the prince never did, EVER. He jerked up Fran so he was sitting upright. Examining his little frog's face, Bel almost fell backwards in surprise. "What are you doing idiot?"

"Eh?" Fran turned to him still moving his lips like a fishy, apparently he hadn't been drowning, he'd been playing fish. Bel angrily smacked him at the back of his head. "Cut that out!" Fran glowered, still in his fishy face, lips drooping a bit. "Meanie." Another smack to the head.

There was a few minutes of silence before Bel finally spoke up, his curiosity getting the best of him this time. "What were you doing anyway?" Mentally he assured himself it was only this once. He wouldn't be a curious busybody like Lussuria was. The gaylord was probably cleaning inside the mansion with his plant, they were engaged now. Nobody really minded except when Lussuria had stenciled 'L + P 2gether 4 ever' on every tree he saw.

It was hindering on missions because he had to stop and do that to every- freaking- tree in sight! They'd be in the middle of battle and where was Lussuria? Stenciling love proclamations into wood. Seriously now. Not to mention they were all invited to his wedding which no one cared for.

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